See you love ?

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Max's pov :
"Hay you know where Nicole is"I ask"I'm heading over to her right now...wanne come with?"He ask and I nod and we walk off and got into his car."you really don't like walking huh?"I ask him."Nope" he says and drives off to the next pits."Look for a white and green truck trailer"Lewis says

We stop at a trailer I think is hers.I climb out and Lewis as well and walk up to the door and I hear her voice...shouting...."Leave me alone Loan...."I hear her say."It's time to move for real Loan....we broke up like 3 years ago..."I hear her and I look at Lewis and he opens her door and step into it and I followed and see's her on the phone.Lewis grabs the phone and puts it to his ear and I go over to Nicole mouthing "you okay" and she shakes her head."If you don't leave my sister alone and call her one more time....I swear it ain't gonna be good for ya"Lewis says and hangs up the phone.

"Didn't you block him"He ask Nicole."I did but he keeps on changing his number and I tried to ignore the call and he has been calling non stop.And I got annoyed and just answer"She says and turns around grabbing her hair and trim back around.She looks up at me and I smirk and she smirks."What are  you going to do tomorrow?"I ask

"Gonna go get some veggies for my dogs and Roscoe and some food and then I'm going to my friends to the mall and then head off to the Gym.She says."And you?"She ask."Me and Lewis have a Monday early deprief and I have a press interview and then I have a photoshoot and I'm going to look at the race and see where I made some mistakes and head to the Gym"I say and look at Lewis."The deprief,invitational event,photoshoot,some training and some team power unit buildup"Lewis says"So we are busy."Nicole says.

I lay down on my bed watching Black Panther when I got a text from an unknown number.
-Hay it's Max<3 can I come over🥺❤️
Oh it's him.
-Yeah...just be's dark outside.🥺❤️
-See you love 😘

I save his number and heard a knock on my door.That was quick.I walk over to it and unlock it and see Max standing there."That was quick"I say and he chuckles."Yeah just came from an interview that was held here"He says and walk up the two stairs and and I walk to my bed,grabbing the remote and pause the movie.And turn to him seeing him dangerously close to me."Max"I say.

He smirks and his face turns serious.
Lewis pov:
"Okay so....take a left here"I say to of my sisters best friends...who I'm currently teaching how to drive."OMG!!!"I scream....GiGi steps on the brakes hard."pull over"I say and jump out of the car and ran to the ice cream shop that I didn't know was there and see my sister with her Pomsky's and Roscoe."ROSCOE"I scream and Roscoe turns around and runs over to me."Awww...I missed you"I say and kiss his head."My word scared me."Nicole says and GiGi comes running in." got to talk to your brother....and lecture him about jumping out of the car and yelling out of nowhere..omg!..."Nicole laughs.

"What were you even doing together"Nicole ask."Oh...he taught me to drive"Nicole shakes her head."Big mistake"She says."Don't ask me or Lewis...cuz if I see a chocolate factory or a pet shop with puppies....or a surf're gonna regret it"GiGi chuckles"I'll keep that in mind."GiGi says."43"a worker shouts"finally"Nicole says and grab the ice cream and licked it."Well you better order...if you want your racing number to be shouted out"Nicole says and hugs me and pat Roscoes head."so are you going with Lewis or me?"She ask GiGi."With your brother of course"GiGi says."Bye...see at the track."Nicole says and walk off.
Max's pov:
As I finish my workout at the gym and head back to the track..I decide to call Nicole and climb in my Ashton and drive off."Hay liefde"I say in Dutch.(love)..."Hay...Max...are you on your way to the track?"She ask and I hear a dog barking."Where you at?"I ask."On my way to the track...Shhh Molly...I know you don't like car rides...but we are almost there"She says."'s one of my dogs"She says."It's okay...I'll see you at the track?"I ask."Yeah...I just drove in"She says."okay see you soon"I say"see you"and she hangs up.

Nicole's pov:
I park my car at the parking lot at the garage near the pits and jump out...grabbing Milo...since his been sleeping and Molly jumps out waking besides me.I take the keys out of my pocket and open the door of my trailer room and unlock the door.I walk in and Molly jumps on the bed.I lay Milo down on the chair and put a blanket over him and he went on with sleeping."Okay got to be quiet..okay?"I ask and she licks my hands.I pick her up cuddle her in my arms.

I hear the door open and Max walks in and closes it.I stand up and put Molly on the bed and walk up to him.He looks at me and he seems mad.He walks up to me and pulls me in for a hug."Max,what's wrong...tell me"I asked looking at him worried.He shakes his head and looks up to the roof."Had a bad conference"He says and looks down at me.I walk over to the stove."What happened...did they ask you a bad question...if I may ask?"I ask him."They asked questions about the crash and the puncture and Lewis stopped them before..."He suddenly stops.I look confused and put my hands on his cheek lifts his head."Before what?"I ask looking into that ocean blue eyes.He takes a deep breath and I see how uncomfortable it is." tell me when you're ready okay"I say and he nods.

I was currently sitting next to Max in this boring briefing.He suggested me to come with him....cause he needs a little support.He is fiddling with his fingers and grabbing it with his can clearly see he is losing his patience." made quite a scene with spinning and spinning in qualifying and did not pass by the track limits and getting pole...can you explain what happened?"This older guy says and I know for a fact that Lewis dislikes him."Uhh...well I lost a little grip on my tires....but handing skills kicked in quickly...and no matter what happens...dust yourself off and finish the lap."My brother says.Most of this drivers wings it every time and this curious people doesn't notice.

I wink at Lewis and he shakes his head."Wingi"I mouth to him and he chuckles and shakes his head."I'm nervous"he mouths back"you been to this deprief for...idk 13 years"I mouth back to him."You never know what they may ask you"He mouths and turns his attention back on the questions that other drivers get.Max takes out his phone and opens up Instagram...not caring about the deprief....this man.

"Where's the bathroom?"I whisper to Max."3 doors down"He whispers and I get up.I turn the corner and walk past the first door when I see a man/women with all black on and a cape thingie....the shadow turns around and I see a old women.I turn around and walk back to Max and sit next to him.No way I'm going to a bathroom with a stranger lurking the halls."back so quick?"Max whispers to me."There's...there's a old lady lurking the halls and she....she looked creepy."I whisper"What did she have on?"He whispers."All black with a black cape thingie"I whisper."You don't have old ladies as workers here right?"I ask and he hakes his head No.I'll wait till we get to the trailer to go to the bathroom."How long still?"I ask and he shrugs."They could at least play a little music...seriously...half of these drivers are already trying to stay awake...and why the hell at ten in the night?"I ask.Max almost laughed but cough instead." really..."he yawns.
Max hired a security to stand by my trailer through the night to make sure no one comes in.I give the puppies there food which is veggies and Mac and cheese...there favorite."Max...just so you know..if you see Milo...asleep...Do not bother him or touch little as he is....he is worse than a rottweiler and can be aggressive and he has a bad temper...if he lays on the ground or on the bed or in the bathroom....just keep your distance...cuz he once barked, growled at my brother and bit him."I say and his eyes went wide."You hungry"I ask and he nods,standing up from the bed and walked over to me and grabs a bowl and I grab mine and we walk to bed and Max covers us halfway.with the covers.He puts on Netflix.I mean here has to be Netflix and a PlayStation.You can't live without them.He puts on After."I thought guys don't like chick flieks"I say and he chuckles."I love this's so intense...drama and romantic...don't forget the sex part"He says and continue eating his food.I Chuckle and dig into my food.

I put my bowl on the table and take Max's since his finished.He takes off his shirt and pulls me closer to him and we continue watching the movie.

Max's pov:
Having Nicole here and being there for me during that boring the best.Luckily they didn't ask me questions.I hear light snores and glance down seeing her asleep on my chest.That warms my heart even more.I hear singing vibrate and I look at where it's coming from and see her phone and see it's Lewis and I pick it up."Hay shouldn't you be asleep?"I ask."Yeah....just switch off her phone and tell her I say good night"He says."Will do so....goodnight."I say and yawn."Goodnight"He says and I hung up and switch her phone off.I switch of the tv and the dogs jump in the bed and I switch off the lights and cuddle up to Nicole....drifting off to sleep peacefully.

On the verge of tears (Max Verstappen(Where stories live. Discover now