Surprise and a not so good suprise

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Lewis pov:
I unlock my sisters trailer door,opened it and found my sister half on Max's chest with Milo half on his neck and on the pillow with Molly wrapped in his arm.Nicole lays with her leg around his waist and her arm on his chest with her head buried in his neck.His other arm is around her waist....Peacefully sleeping.....Fantastic.

Since they are both late sleepers Me,Valtteri,Seb,Charles and Daniel set everything up. Me and Val ou the Happy Birthday balloons on her wall and tape it so that it sticks and Seb and Charles tape some white and black balloons around it and Charles lights candles and put the lights around the Birthday balloons.

I take a picture.I put my presents next to the balloons in a heart form and Val puts the Teddy bear in the middle that he bought for her and the heart is completed by Seb,Charles and Daniels presents.

We fill the room with more balloons, from the bed to the door and we walk out shutting the door softly and locking it.We go and hide.

Nicole's pov:
I feel Max move a bit and his arms or arm tightens around me."Mhmm.....morning"I say and crawl into  him more."Morning beautiful"I look up to him and he leans down and kisses me,I kiss him back obviously.I smile and peck his lips and stand up seeing balloons all over the floor and a by the wall is a Happy Birthday sign.Underneath it is a big teddy bear and some presents around it in a heart shape.Awww

Suddenly I got grabbed and spun by Max and he grab my face and kissed me which I kissed back.He pulled away"Happy birthday...Nicole"He says and pecks my lips."Thanks you"I pecked his lips.

Charles pov:
"We need to talk?"I hear a voice say behind me and it could only belong to Sebastian Vettel..,he sounded serious."About what?"I turn around facing Seb.He walks closer to me and I mean close to me"Sebastian"I say

Lewis pov:
"Guys you ready"I say and they all nod and GiGi,Lia,Tatiana,Shani,Me-Jeanne,Jordan,Monique,Arian,Adrian,Jason,Keenan,Lorenzo,Kyle
and Rita(some of Nicole's best friends)come walking with presents and some cupcakes."Hay girls"I say and they hay back and GiGi gives me a hug which I hug her back and give her a smile.

Max's pov:
I wrap my arms around Nicole.We hear the door open and 5 girls walk in with presents."HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICS" They say out loud.I let go of my angel and she walks over to the girls and hugs each of them."Awww...thank you girls."She says."Awww....don't cry Nic."One of the girls says and gives her another hug.

Lewis,Daniel,Seb,Charles,Val and some of other drivers walk in.Valtteri walks up to her and say something to her that I can't hear and pulls her in for a bear hug.After like a minute or 2 they pull away  from each other.She then hugs everyone else and why did Valtteri got a long hug?

Nicole's POV:
"Max" I say and reach out to him.Why is he suddenly upset?He stands up from where he was sitting on the bed.He kisses me softly and pulls away."Is everything okay?"I ask him.He looks in my eyes for a moment."I..I gotta to...uhm...the garage...okay"He says stuttering.He walks away and out the door,leaving me confused.

I walk out the door after him."Max!...Max!...hold up"I shout to get his attention,for him to turn around which he does.I walk up to him and put my arms around his waist and look up to him and he looks down to me."What's wrong...why you upset?"I ask with concern."Why did Valtteri get sush a long hug?"He ask.I take a deep breath."It's a long story actually..."I trail off."Don't be upset...Okay?'s nothing you have to worry about."He wraps his arms around my shoulders."I'm not mad at you"He says.

"I'm mad about the crash,Nico and my team,which I should go host a meeting right now...I love you"He smiles making me smile.He kisses me again and bring me into a tight hug which I return.We stand like that for a minute or two.He kisses me on the head and walks off.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.I take it out and see my dads name."Hay Dad." I say."Happy birthday Cole." He says...he sounds a bit down."Dad is everything okay?" I ask."Its granny"He says."What about she okay"Silence."Dad....tell me" I say getting worried."....Granny....past away."My heart sunk."No Dad...stop playing tricks on isn't funny."I say."I'm not playing tricks..."Tears stated to seek up in my eyes."I'm so sorry dad.Let me go tell Lewis?"I ask."Yeah...goodbye Cole"He says."Bye dad." I say and hung up.

Tears fall down my cheeks as I walk up the stairs to the door and open it.I'm about to break his heart and even more mine."Lewis...we gotta talk."I say and he follows me out closing the door.He comes and hugs me."What's wrong baby sis?"He ask.I take a deep breath."Granny is.."I trail off sobbing."Granny is what....sis you're scarring me."He says"She's gone"I say and cry into his arms.Lewis tightens his grip and I hear a sob."How do you know?"He ask...his voice cracking and a hint of anger in it."Dad called"I say."FUCK" He screams and falls onto his knees.I fall onto my knees crying.

Max's POV:
This damn meeting.I hear someone screaming "Fuck". I run to it and see Lewis and a girl turned around on their knees.I run up to them and see that the girl is Nicole.She's crying and Lewis is crying.I bent down and bring them both in a hug.They hug back and Nics friends come out and see the scene unravel.Nicole burries her head in my neck sobbing.My baby.

"What's going on?"One of them asked.I shrugged."Omg Lewis..Nics"A girl says with blond hair.Lewis looks up and walks over to her and engulf her in a hug.Nicole hugs me tighter.I kiss her head and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.She calms down and her crying turns into sobs."It's okay...shhhh"She shakes her head."It's not okay..Max"She whispers in my ear.How can this girl speak so clearly when she's crying?I hear footsteps behind me."Fernando"Nicole says and backs away from me and walks up to him.I turn around and see Alonso with a puppy.She hugs him and takes the puppy from him.

Fernando's POV:
I see Max with Nicole.I sight and see her lift her head.I see her mumble something and walks up to me and embraces me in a hug and takes the puppy."Happy birthday sweetheart"She smirks and cuddles the puppy."What's wrong angel...why are there tears running down your eyes."I ask concerned."Granny passed away."She says and swallows whatever she had in her mouth.I bring her into another hug.

"Lets go for walk around the track,yeah"she nods"let me tell my brother"she lets go and walk over to Lewis when Max stopped her.

Nicole's pov:
As I walk up to my brother to tell him I get stopped my Max.He takes a deep breath in and exhales and with his hand he whipes the tears off my cheeks."Im going for a walk okay."I say to him.He nods amd steps forward planting a long kiss to my forehead."Be careful....okay....I love you"He says and kisses my forehead again.He lets me go and see GiGi with my brother seeing her being squeshed. I'll just send him a text and walk up to Fernando.

Lewis Pov:
I grip her tightly as she plays with my hair trying to calm me down.I back up a little and take her chin in my hand bringing her lips to mine in a soft kiss.Oh how I longed for those lips.I pull away softly and see the tears well up in her eyes."I know....I know that I have been turning you down and saying we can't but I can't continue any longer.GiGI I need you in my life...I need your love....I want to wake up in your arms and sleep in those arms.....getting good morning and night kisses from you....seeing those beautiful eyes,that plumb lips that I want to  kiss until they are swollen and that beautiful face of yours.This time it's for real....Sweetheart will you be mine?"I ask her and see her nod and she leans up and kisses me which I returned."forever and always"She says and I hug her.

On the verge of tears (Max Verstappen(Where stories live. Discover now