Her race

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Max's pov:
I lay down on the bed in my room in the garage.Yeah the garage because the next race is at Silverstone again yayy.I hear some arguing going on in the garage.I stand up and limp to the door opened it and limped to where to the team seeing Nico's boss and Christian arguing.I see the mechanics working on the car.I walk up to my boss."What's going on"I ask"Nothing"Christian says clearly pissed off."Shouldn't you go lecture your driver?"I ask Nico's boss."Cuz my boss isn't your driver...so not to cause anymore problems I suggest you go talk to Nico and leave us alone...and to top it all of...our mechanics have to do your work and pay your rent....nah man....thats your job of fixing my car and paying for parts"I say."And not trusting you....me and my team are going to fix it and you still got to pay the rent...rules man rules........oh and congrats on the penalty."I wink and walked of not before Nico's boss storms off to God knows where.I shake my head and chuckle.

I see Nicole walking past and I grab her hand and she spins her head to my direction."Hay"I say "Hay"She says.She looks down at our hands,she looks pissed.I lift up her chin making her look up at me."What's wrong sweetheart"I ask looking at her with concern."It's Lewis being a pain in the arse,nothing interesting"She says and shake her head.I pout an she shakes her head."How's your leg"She ask"It's feeling less sore...sleep is what I needed"I say and she looks at me like I'm crazy or something."You slept through the noise and Ice on your leg?"She ask"Yeah I'm a deep sleeper."I say and chuckle and she giggles...what a beautiful sound.

"A giggle.....Wow Max....how did you do that....she hardly ever smiles and giggle....that's a whole another level"I hear a British's accent Lewis."Congrats on your win bro"I say and be hug Lewis and pull away and he smiles."Sis don't you have a race?"Lewis ask"Yeah in about 30 mins"Nicole says."What race?"I ask looking down at her."F2"She says."I better go"She says."Good luck"I say and she nods and walks up to Lewis and grabs the skateboard that he had in his arm and hugs him and he kisses her head."Good luck sis "He says and she waves at me and I wave back and she jogs and drop the board,jumping on it and skates away."She likes you"Lewis says and taps my shoulder."And I love her."I say"Don't hurt her man don't hurt her"He says,winks and is walking to his garage.

Nicole's pov:
I skate to my garage and tap the end of the board with my foot and grab it and walked in the garage.I greeted the team and went into my room...changing into my team shirt and put my suit halfway on tying the arms around my waist grabbing my helmet and gloves.I walked out putting my helmet on my cars nose with my gloves.My boss comes up to me.I hug him and pull away."Okay so go head to head with Robert....block him on turn one and press on the throttle and make gap between you two."He says and I nod."We will pit earlier than the other drivers.....giving us a better chance with lapping them and making a good gap.....you'll lose some places but it will pay off"He says and I nod."Get into the car and check how's the handling...did some few changes to it" he says and I give him a smirk and he my mechanic puts the stair neer my car and I step onto it and climb into the car.
My heart start's beating up faster as the lights go on one by one.I grip the steering wheel tighter as I watch the lights go on.There's a few second wait and it's lights out....pushing on the throttle and changing gears and it's head to head with Robert....and blocking him,gearing down,going on the inside at turn one....haha and gear up
As I turn the last corner of the race and I speed up and gear up...Robert pulls up next to me and I push on the throttle more and wave to Robert passing the finish line 1st..."Wooohoooooo.....yasss yasss yasss.....thank you lord for this.....thank you team for putting in such hard work and back at the factory.....Love you all...and thank you fans for your support.....mwah......"I say "That was awesome....Fantastic Nic"My boss says and I drive around the track and stop,folding  my hands and pray..."Thank you lord for this win....I couldn't do it without you....watching over me and keeping me safe....And I want to thank you for Lewis win and keeping him secure and safe....And thank you Lord for the connection that you made for me and Max .Love you father....I pray this in our heavenly fathers name Amen."I say and open my eyes and made my way to the pit stops and stopped at the p1 thingie"Last but not least...Thank you my girl for this....we did...we did it.."I say and tap the car twice and decided to climb out and took the steering wheel off and climb out putting it back in the car.I stand on the nose off the car and looked up and folding my hands and stand so for awhile."Where were you "Tatiana ask me"I stopped the car "prayed."I say

Taking my helmet off and put it on the table and taking the bandana off and grab the towel and rub all the sweat off my face.I feel arms wrap around my waist and I turn around and see Max.I bit my lip and he smirks."Hay....Congrats today on your win."He says and looks at me intently.I bent my head smiling."You got me worried for a second when you stopped after winning the GP"He says and pouts."Oh...I stopped the car and prayed"I say and he smiles.I feel a tap on my shoulder and see it's one of the man who checks the weight of me and the car.I nod and look up to Max and he rises his eyebrows and let's it fall.He let's go of my waist and I go weigh myself.I step on the scale and it reads 52kg..."you're to light "The man says "That's mine...go measure the car....me and the car is a total to 100kg together....isn't that the minimum weight?"I say and rise my eyebrow and bent my head sideways a little."Nicole"

I hear my brothers voice and I turn around and hug him which he picks me up and spins me around and puts me down."Thank you Lewis"I say and hug him again."Interview time"I say and pull away and walk up to the sky news."Aww you must be so delighted winning this race...,that was so so close to a draw with Robert?"The women ask ."Yeah I mean...I like a battle and yeah I'm delighted ."I say and look serious at the women."What happened when you suddenly stop after the race?"She ask's"I was stopping to pray....praying is important....thanking the lord and having a conversation with him is important"I say"Tell me Nicole...what's going on between you and Mr Verstappen?"She ask.What is even going on between me and him?"No comment"I say..not really knowing what the hell is blossoming between us."That'll be all"She says"Thank you and have a nice day "I say and walk off.
After the podium and picture I skate through the pits on my phone....looking at my fans stories on Instagram....I follow them as well....love them allot....I'm not like these other famous people who doesn't follow their fans.....passing time being bored....I skate to one of the stewards."Hay can I take a 3-20 laps on the track....please I'm bored and I wanna do time trails"I ask and pout giving him my puppy eyes"Nicole....always bored....yeah you can"He says"OMG!! I love you so much"I say and hug him.I skate away before he can change his mind."One of the stewards says yes!!"I shout to the team and they look up to me since they were sitting around..."Okay good"My boss says"Let me know when I have to change my tires.....oh and give me the normal soft...medium and hard ones...not the ones we use in practice....qualli and the race "I say."Okay since the race weekend is over....you got to fit the tires before you start..."My one mechanic says.."Bring the tire and that knots tie thingie"I say and they hand me the knot tie thingie and the wheel.I walk up to the car to the back left tier and roll the wheel

I put on the knot tie thingie and loosen the tire knots and took off the wheel giving it to my mechanic and grab the other wheel and put it on car and tied the knots and walk up to the left front tire and replay the process and did the same to the others and put on my suit followed by my gloves...bandana and last my helmet and climbed into the car and my engineer puts in the head and shoulder rest....one of my mechanics walk out and showed a thumbs up and I press my foot down of the throttle and my girl come to life and I put it on first gear and drive out and the through the pits and press the pit button once I'm past the line and speed up.

On the verge of tears (Max Verstappen(Where stories live. Discover now