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Hoshi's heart dropped at those words he heard, he thought, surely there has to be an explanation for this! Someone else could be named mingyu...... it's a very distinctive name. O-or maybe...... no it's mingyu isn't it?

Hoshi felt his stomach turn inside out and felt vomit in his mouth.

He rushed into one of the stalls and puked his guts out, as noises kept coming from the one next to his, he threw up even more.

Hoshi's whole body was now weak and he was unable to stand. Unknowingly tears started dripping, his face was on the toilet and his heart flushed down.

He tried to stand to make his way out but he just couldn't, the thought of mingyu with someone else makes his blood boil but he was weak right now. He couldn't even stand!

While hoshi just sat there hoping that someone would find him, the people next door opened their cell door.

Hoshi could heat it clear as day now... it's was mingyu.

The other person had rushed out of the bathroom and Mingyu had walked over to the stall that Hoshi was in and just stared at him, Hoshi wanted to punch him but he couldn't, he wanted to yell but he couldn't, he wanted to do so many things but he just couldn't.

The fact that mingyu would do this to him hurt him enough to make him feel that he could no longer love anyone ever again.

Hoshi felt someone staring at him and he knew it was mingyu but didn't dare to look

Then mingyu spoke "are you okay" with a sarcastic tone

"Huh? Am I ok? You got nerves kim mingyu, tell me what I just heard!" Hoshi yelled

"What you just heard was me having some fun~"

" having fun? You just fucked someone in the stall while I was puking my guts out"

Mingyu's face had changed a little when hoshi said that, he hoshi never, I repeat never used the word "fuck"

Mingyu just stood there and stared at hoshi once again but after a moment passed mingyu was walking out of the room while saying

"Well I'm gonna head out now have fun"

Which hoshi replied to with

"I hope you leave the group, don't cause us anymore trouble"

Mingyu left after hoshi finished that sentence, and now hoshi was left all alone. Once again


Hoshi slowly felt his strength regaining as time passed he wasn't sure how much time passed but it did, when he walked out of the bar it was morning already. This time he had money and a phone this so he simply just left.

This time hoshi made sure to quickly get into his room being seemingly unnoticed but of course someone did.

"Jeonghan hyung..."

"Soonyoung I'm serious now, please tell me what your going through! This is the second time you returned like just aren't you anymore, please hoshi tell me"

Jeonghan's speech caught hoshi back a little, he knew what jeonghan was saying was true but he didn't know how to deal with all these feelings, he was afraid of words that would come out he would lose control of himself.

Hoshi would never want to burden the other members with this problems, not even if they wanted to know.

"Jeonghan I'm fine and I always will be, so please don't concern yourself with me anymore" hoshi quickly said as he shuffled into his room

As soon as that door closed hoshi once again leaned against it and softly let his tears drop. All he could do at this point was avoid mingyu and pretend everything was fine. He couldn't even tell his members because he didn't want them to be concerned, but he needed someone. And just when he needs mingyu the most....he isn't there.

But this lingering thought in the back of his mind kept saying "mingyu didn't mean it, he didn't want to hurt you, he's only trying to force you out"

He couldn't cling onto that hope but he wanted to, he needed to. That's what he told himself but it didn't come easy, every time hoshi would get a call or text from mingyu he would go expecting something but always end up heart broken.

He wondered why he kept torturing himself but hope is a dangerous thing. More dangerous than any drug, you will never be able to get rid of all of it.


Woozi had returned that day hoshi game back, he heard the conversation between jeonghan and hoshi

He was pissed at Mingyu and to make that worse he had to witness the next few weeks that hoshi endured alone

when hoshi goes out he doesn't come back without a blank stare, or sometimes he doesn't come back until the next morning.

At this point everyone was sure about what was happening, but they couldn't think of doing anything because they knew.... if hoshi really wants to he can shut everyone out and never let them in again.

The dorm was now the last place the boys wanted to be because the mood would always be foul and depressing

The only time they were there was at nighttime, with nights hoshi often not being there.


With this delay of a member, mingyu was on a "personal leave" as the statement stated. The group activities were continuing but without a member in any of them, fans were believing that mingyu was having mental heath issues because the statement was.... not every informative.

Fans started creating theories about mingyu's sudden disappearance, they linked members reactions to the mention of mingyu and saying that they spotted mingyu at places.

This created another scandal for seventeen, which gave them even more fame but the bad kind, the one where the group is known for controversy after controversy.

And at what cost? Just the fact that mingyu wanted to expose Pledis. But it wasn't working at all, in fact... Pledis was benefiting from this more than anything.


The members were trying to act normal but they just couldn't. Mingyu's sudden disappearance and hoshi's foul behavior was creating a new feeling seventeen had never had before. Dull, depressing, boring.

They couldn't even put on smiling faces for shows as too many of them would be caught just blanking out or falling asleep.

The dorms were quiet and peaceful but only because they rarely hung out with each other anymore, mingyu had managed to make a group like seventeen fall out of favor for each other, but that's what everyone thought of each other.

They were trying not to get on each other's nerves after so many things happened. Of course they thought of avoiding each other......but that didn't work. It just made them drift further away.

This was everyone just misunderstanding the situation, they all tried to make everything better but it just made things worst. They would try to make each other happy but how could they? Everyone was thinking the same thing "oh I think he's getting annoyed", "this isn't working", "he probably doesn't want to hear me talk right now".

With these lingering thoughts in their brains how could they ever go back to the way they were? Maybe they could... but when?

This carried on until the day mingyu finally returning to the dorm but not after giving a huge blow to his members


To be continued.....
Next chapters gonna explain why mingyu's such a jerkkkk, so dun be too bad at him lolll. Jk BE MAD

thanks for reading!!

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