Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Caring for a Snake

They were able to keep Deceit down for about three hours, before the Lying side had hissed and wiggled from the mass of bodies and blankets the were keeping him on the couch. During which time, he was able to close his eyes and take a nice nap, before snapping awake, with a whimper, that he immediately cut off once he remembered where he was. Though the others didn't make any comments about it. Patton bringing him bowl after bowl and snack after snack, trying to make something the Deceitful side would like, even if the Snake swore he was fine and everything tasted fine. It was like they were trying to fatten him up. And drown him, with Logan constantly reminding him to drink from the cup that was always refilled whenever, it was almost empty.

Thomas, who kept drifting to sleep and waking up from nightmares, stay close to Deceit and didn't miss that the Snake side kept one hand in his pocket and a tight hold on the plushies. He knew from experience that grief was painful, and even if Deceit was a Dark Side and the embodiment of Lying, no one should feel like they were alone. Virgil had the Light sides. But Deceit was alone now. So it only made since that they started including him. Even if the Slimy Snake boi hissed and acted like he was fine. Because Thomas knew, Deceit wasn't fine.

However said Side seemed to have had enough when Patton who was getting comfortable as they started watching a marathon of Disney movies had let himself flop across the couch and head landing on the Snake's lap. That had been the moment when Deceit had started wiggling and getting up. "Something wrong Deceit?" Logan had asked, catching the panic expression that had crossed the Snakes face, briefly before disappearing, in a mask of a neutral aloofness.

"No, nothing is wrong, I just have spent enough time lounging around. I do have other things to do you know." He said, the plushies getting crushed closer to his chest.

Logan took a few minutes to deduce what was going on before deciding to give the Lying Side an out. "If that is the case then, as long as you're feeling better I have no qualms of you returning to do these other things. What about you Patton? Are you satisfied with his intake of nutritional substances?" The Logical Side asked, turning to the Moral Side who looked startled by the sudden escape attempt from his cuddles

"Well, if he's got this much energy, I see no reason why not." Patton answered with a smile.

"Then I will be on my way."Deceit said, backing away less the Light sides changed their mind.

"But before you go, kiddo!" Patton said, jumping up wrapping his arms around the Snake in a bone crushing hug. Deceit's eyes seemed to bug out slightly at the unsuspecting strength from the Dad Side. "We'll be sure to check on from now on," He said.

As soon as Patton's arm loosened, Deceit hastily pushed away, without trying to seem unsettled by the attention that was being given and now on him. Virgil smirked from his position on the couch, not having moved an inch ever since the Logical and Moral Side had begun caring for himself, Thomas, and Deceit. "Yes well, thank you. This hasn't been a pleasant experience." Deceit, said, not looking as he reached for the door handle that would let him leave.

Once Deceit was gone, Patton lost his smile, now looking worried. "Did we do something wrong?" He asked, looking to Virgil.

"Nah, he's always been like that. We're not really buddy buddy in the Subconscious you know. Took me a while to get use to you guys, being touchy feely over here." Virgil saidm stretching in his spot and edging closer to Thomas, who looked ready to drop out again until the next nightmare.

"I agree with Virgil. I observed that Deceit isn't use to being treated, or at least touched as often as we are. We may have overwhelmed him a bit."

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