Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Deceits Cabin

Deceit stormed through Dark Common area only stopping to grab the octopus plushy, before storming to his room, casting a longing glance towards Remus's room before closing the door and locking it. He knew going was a bad idea. He thought it would have helped seeing King perform and maybe see how Virgil was acting around the King of Creativity. But it had hurt too much to see that the Anxious side was still getting Roman attention through the King. Had King Romulus truly forgotten everything Remus was to Deceit.

Sobbing for what seemed to be his only outlet now, Deceit, grabbed a dufflel bag from under his bed and started packing up some extra clothes, his plushy snake, the octopus pushy and extra blankets. He couldn't stay here. And he didn't belong with the Light sides. There was only one other place he could go. Satisfied that everything was prepared enough for a longer stay than usual, Deceit opened up his closet and pushed the hanging clothes out of the way to reveal a door painted in yellow and green paint. Deceits own little door to the imagination.

Remus had made it for him when he had noticed Deceit was slipping into a bad habit of staying in his room too much and never coming out. Most of the time depressed or stressed because Thomas and the Light Sides refusal to listen to him. Deceit remember the Duke storming into his room, during those time and dragging the Snake side to the Dark imagination to go on adventures. That was also the time Remus started controlling the temperature in the Dark Common area, making it so that Deceit wouldn't feel like he had to stay trapped in his room just because everywhere else was too cold for him. However, while the outings with the Duke were uplifting and stimulating, if not a bit unsettling at times, Deceit couldn't take so much chaos every single day, even if Remus tried to soften the monsters. Deceit needed his own outlet too. So, one day Remus had surprised Deceit, by giving him a small area of the dark imagination that was Deceits own get away for when things got too much for him. No one but Remus would know where to find him, but Remus never trespassed without permission.

Things were definitely too much for him right now.

Slinging the duffel bag on his shoulder, he stepped through his yellow and green door, stepping out in a muted color meadow. The trees surrounding the meadow looking half alive instead of dead. It was drizzling here, not that Deceit minded. He liked listening to the rain. And Remus had made it where this area would always have a light rain sprinkling down, all the while keeping the temperature warm enough to keep Deceit comfortable. Even fixing where when the rain did stop, the sun would also shine so The Snake side would be able to enjoy laying out and sunbath. It was always one temperature here and that was a comfort to the Lying Side. Deceit turned to look at the yellow and green door, remembering how the white doors in the light side of the imagination had almost disappeared with him only halfway through it. This door, would forever stay in it spot.

He stood there a few minute taking in the smells of the dampen earth around him, letting the quiet sounds of nature wash over him. Slowly it start to stop drizzling and the sun started peeking out. Silently he made his way across the meadow, stepping over a small little stream and watched as the small cabin came into view. It was a simple cabin small on the outside, but big on the inside. He let his yellow gloved hand run down the smooth wood of the door, before opening it and walking inside. Almost immediately a fire started in the fireplace and the light came on. The hum of the refrigerator could be heard from the kitchen. Remus had set the cabin up so that it would cater to all of Deceits needs, so all the Lying side had to do was sit back and relax and engage in what made him happy.

Walking to his room, he watched as a closet formed so he could stuff his duffel bag in. Taking out the snake and octopus plushy before closing the door and dropping on the bed. Anything he wanted the cabin would give him......He stared blankly at a picture of him and Remus who was holding a decapitated head in the air like a trophy. As warm as comfortable as the cabin was, Deceit still wasn't happy. He mulled over the knowledge about the cabin and its conjuring factors. What he needed right now was the one person who only seemed to care about him. He wanted him to hug him in his warm hugs and tell him everything was fine.

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