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In which a love morally forbidden by society becomes to potent to ignore.
"I love you, Eden."
"I love you, Huxley."
Previously titled 'White Ca...
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I'm finally sorted a time when I'd go on maternity leave from the bookstore I worked at. However, my boss told me my job was available when or if I wanted to return. She also told me she'd be willing to give me tips and discuss business with me when I'm ready to get my business afloat because I was such a good employee.
I also sorted out all my uni shit. Since none of my courses required field work I did my courses online now, which worked out great because I never had to leave the warmth and comfort of my bed.
I put my laptop on the nightstand beside me once I became bored of scrolling through Pinterest and looked at Huxley. He looked so peaceful and content. Like there was nothing in the world to destroy his happiness. I smiled at my handsome boyfriend and snuggled into him. I sighed in content as I felt his warmth melt with mine. I felt so safe. Like I was wrapped in a blanket that could shield me from anything.
I felt his arms snake around me and pull me closer. I looked up at him, worried that I woke him from his serenity, only to find that he was still fast asleep. My soul turned to goo and I silently awed. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around him.
Within a minute wrapped in his warm embrace, I drifted back to sleep.
My body flushed with cold, causing my eyes to flutter open. I looked over to the other side of the bed to find I was the only one in here.
I pulled Huxley's pillow close to me and breathed in the smell. I smiled contently as tingles reach my skin. I got out of bed and walked over to the closet Huxley and I shared. I grabbed out light blue high-waisted jeans that had stretchy material at the waist area, a plain white t-shirt and one of Huxley's checkered green and beige flannels. I also grabbed out a fresh pair of cream-coloured bra and panties.
I stripped out of the clothes I was wearing and replaced them with the ones I got out. I took off the panties I wore to bed and changed into the cream-coloured one then I put on my matching bra. I pulled the jeans up my legs and fastened them when it rests against my waist. I threw on my white t-shirt, making sure to tuck it into my jeans. I grabbed Huxley's flannel, sliding my arms through and draping it over my shoulders.
This is mine now.
But for now, I walked over to my jewellery box and grabbed out my gold necklace that held a thin gold rectangle that lay horizontally. I also put in small gold knot studs. I ran some lip balm over my lips and put it in the back pocket of my jeans. I smiled and walked out of Huxley and I's bedroom.
I smiled softly, remembering the day he formally asked me to move in with him even though I had been spending almost all my time here for the past couple of weeks already.