whoop x 4, firetruck!

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The next morning, I found myself running towards the Tech Department to go get my chain

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The next morning, I found myself running towards the Tech Department to go get my chain. I stopped in front of the room to catch my breath before peeking in. I saw Winwin, Mark Tuan and Jimin deep in conversation. Winwin must have sensed my presence, the male looking up to see me. I slipped into the room and he waved the other two away before taking out a box.

"You're here for your chains?" Winwin asked and I nodded, my eyes sparkling. The head of the Tech Department opened up the box and inside was a necklace. It looked like a luxurious high-class necklace and Winwin began to explain to me how to use it. "You press this and pull it out. If you're able to do that, it whips forward. You aim and it cuts."

He showed it to me and the necklace turned into chains with sharp edges. I beamed, Winwin turning it in back into a necklace.

"You can come and change the colors if you want but I heard from the costume people your dress will be red." He pushed the box towards me and proceeded focus on something else. I knew Winwin didn't like me as much due to the simulation where I butchered his robots. I thanked him, walking out the door with the box in my hand.

Once I went out, I took the necklace out and inspected it carefully. It looked so beautiful and I was feeling the same way as to when I would buy something from a luxury shop. They had placed jewels on it, fake or not—It didn't matter. What mattered was that it would look good on me.

When I walked down the hall, I heard sobbing and I stopped.

"It's just so confusing.." Jennie's voice floated by and I heard Lisa say something before Jennie lashed out. "No! I don't know! He doesn't even bother to look at me—"

"At least he doesn't hate you," Lisa said softly. "He's your friend."

"Lalisa, I don't want to be friends with him," Jennie emphasized, hiccupping. I raised my eyebrow at what I heard. Seemed like SM's love birds were fighting. "I'm so tired—"

Okay. I backtracked and decided to take another way. How awkward would it be if she saw me. I held the necklace in my hand and the box in another and walked to the dorm rooms, taking a U-turn. The path made me pass through my old room, Chenle yelling out to someone in a game. I saw Jeno's room after mine and the door was wide open so I peeked into the room to see Jaemin fluffing up the pillow.

Jeno and Jaemin's room looked exactly like mine and Chenle's, except that Jeno's side looked like a typical guy room. His things were everywhere and his bed unmade while his sheets were a dark grey. Jaemin's side was filled with pink and red and colors of the rainbow. In the middle of the room, I saw that someone had taped a line.

"Did Jeno do that?" I asked Jaemin who looked up at me and broke into a smile before nodding. I stepped into his room. "To keep you away from him?"

"Only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays." Jaemin winked. "Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays; he's all mine."

"What does that mean?" I asked, Jaemin cackling crazily.

It's Okay To Be Killers // NCT2020Where stories live. Discover now