The Legacies

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Jonah and Jamie were making their way down the hallways, trying to find a way out

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Jonah and Jamie were making their way down the hallways, trying to find a way out. Jamie peeked a look at Jonah, finally popping the question.

"So, are you really gay?" Jamie asked Jonah, the male making a face at her impeccable timing.

"We're really talking about this? Right now?" Jonah demanded, Jamie shrugging.

"I mean, I kind of knew because my gay radar was blaring but then again... Holy shit, I can't believe you're gayyyyyyyyy— Jonah, watch out!" Jamie gasped, men in all black appearing from nowhere. "What the hell are these people?"

Both forger-assassins whipped their heads around. Jonah's fingers went to undo his buttons, tugging off his shirt. Jamie's eyes widened, not understanding what he was doing. He ripped off his shirt, wearing only a muscle tank inside before he wrapped his fist with his shirt.

"You take the left, I take the right?" he asked and she nodded, tightening her scrunchie. Without another second, another of punches were thrown. Jamie found herself being flung across the hallway, rolling away so not get hit by a bunch of ninja stars. It reminded her of her Uncle Yangyang, Jamie making her way back to Jonah. He was punched a couple of times, bleeding from his nose.

"Does Auntie Dana and Uncle Johnny know you're gay?" Jamie asked, Jonah scoffing at the question. He didn't have time to answer that when a voice rang out.

"You're gay?!"

Jonah froze, chains appearing from the left. Both of them ducked and Jamie squealed, the chains wrapping around the men's necks.

"I know those chains anywhere," Jamie whispered, Jonah nodding.

"Don't turn around—"

"You are gay?!" the voice repeated, Jonah and Jamie turning around slowly to see Oh Dana with fire in her eyes. "And you kept it from us?!"

"Not that kind of gay!" Jonah managed to say, Dana staring at her son. "Not like it's bad or anything, I'm just saying—"

"What does that mean?" Dana grumbled, the sound of people running towards them coming from behind them. She pushed Jonah into the room with Jamie before grabbing the handle of a closet and pushing them in. "Stay in the closet. Do not come out until I tell you to."

Jonah and Jamie were then plunged into darkness, Jonah blinking rapidly.

"Will you look at that. Back in the closet," he said, Jamie smacking him across his chest. "Ouch."

"Is it the time to joke about this?"

"Come out," Dana said and when Jonah opened the closet door, he paused. Three men were dead on the floor and Dana wiped her forehead, blood on her hands.

"Coming out of the closet," Jonah said softly, Jamie glaring at him. "Oh, there you go. Here comes more ninjas."


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