News of people committing suicide, a gas leak and a my brother's disappearance was just the tip of the iceberg when I came home to find my parents dead.
Then I was kidnapped.
By who?
Where did they bring me?
SM, School of Missions.
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A/N I am not in the mood for heavy writing these days so :( Pls remember that Dana is a bit *A lot* cuckoo in the head and everyone humors her because she is Dana and she doesn't think like a normal person.
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The ending of the white coat ceremony ended with us sending Jaemin into my room because Renjun wasn't going to put him in Jeno's room. I then got the call that the Ong siblings were going to leave so I made my way to the runaway where the plane was at. I saw Harin stand with her brothers and even if I didn't want to bid them goodbye, I knew I had to out of mutual friendship. I saw another male who I didn't recognize and Harin lit up when she saw me.
Despite my past anger, I found myself smiling at the younger female and I went up to her.
"You're leaving," I stated and Harin nodded. "They ruled you all as dead, at least you're safe for a while."
Harin nodded again, a small hand going to slip into mine before she squeezed it softly. She looked guilty and she proceeded to tell me that she was sorry for not being able to tell me and she understands if I hated her but I knew it wasn't her choice. Everything was beyond our control.
"Be safe, okay?" she told me before she stepped closer. "And take care of yourself... emotionally. Don't get too attached to the people here. They come and go."
"What does that mean?"
"Dana, I see you with Johnny," she said, crossing her arms. "I see how you cling onto him like he's the only person you want to touch. You were hardly ever that way with Sehun. Just, don't dive in too deep. Look at what I'm going through because I'm in love with your brother."
I sighed. That was true too. As worried as I was of Sehun, Harin must be too.
"It's just Johnny," I told her, shrugging when the unfamiliar male turned to look at me.
"You're Ace's sister," he said smoothly and I simply stared at him. "Another one of those girls that Johnny strings along?"
"Now, who the fuck are you?" I snapped at him and he glared at my response.
"I'mtheKim Kai," he replied.
"Oh, the one that got hurt by Jennie and went on a hiatus?" I shot at him. "I thought you'd look hotter."
"Dana. Be nice," Harin warned, turning to Kim Kai and apologizing to him. I saw Kai huff, leaving to handle the plane when I gave Harin a final hug. I waved at the Ong siblings before turning back to leave. From afar, I saw Johnny stand there, a cigarette in hand.
He was dragging it deeply, letting out a puff as the smoke left his lips. He was wearing a simple black T-shirt and I wondered what he was doing there, all alone and without Jennie. For a moment, my heart jumped and I lifted a hand to place against my chest.