moonwalkin' moon walkin'

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It's been two days and I avoided Johnny like a plague

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It's been two days and I avoided Johnny like a plague. Where he was at, I ran. Where he could be, I made sure I wasn't around that area. What was important was the fact that Doctor Zhang was back and we stood there with him in the middle. He looked like he was about to faint like the four times he had done the past few day days.

"What exactly did you do?" Xiaozhan asked Doctor Zhang who seemed woozy. "You said you had an individual mission."

"Yes... That is correct!" Doctor Zhang snapped his fingers before he sat up. "I have found an antidote for the Marvel drug! It reverses the effects and I have injected myself with it—thus the fainting spells. And I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it again."

"I forgot he's a Seasonie too," Jaehyun said from the side when Doctor Zhang finally toppled to the ground again. "The antidote must be having side effects on him, that's why he's always fainting. It might be actively trying to remove the effects from the brain. Oh, there he goes."

"Thinking about it, I still have no idea what his skill is." Sehun mused from the side as we all peered down at a sleeping Doctor Zhang. Xiaojun perked up at the question, answering the question.

"Lay-ge can see possibilities. They flash before his eyes and he is very accurate as to what decision to make but it makes his reaction time slower," he explained and Jaehyun nodded.

"Is that why he stopped going into surgery? Because his reaction time slowed down?" Jaehyun asked, Xiaojun nodding. And with that, Doctor Zhang woke up, his hair sticking out places. "Welcome back—"

"I did not see that coming!" Doctor Zhang threw his hands in the air in a congratulatory motion. "It worked! I am a... free man!"

"Alright, someone get the fever patch for him. I think you need to focus on your recovery, Lay," Xiaozhan said to Doctor Zhang and I found myself raising my hand and saying that I would be the one who'd go get it for him. There were too many people in the meeting room and I exited the room, entering the storage where they kept medical supplies.

I was getting used to where things were placed at and I looked up, realizing that the fever patches were on the top shelf. I looked up, hands on my hips when I felt a presence over my shoulder, someone reaching above my head to reach for the fever patch when I turned just to see that it was the one person I was avoiding.

He brought the fever patch down and I stared at him, taking two steps back before turning on my heel to go back to the meeting room. I made my way down the hall; hearing Johnny follow me from behind and my steps rapidly increased. I reached the meeting room to see that Doctor Zhang was in a deep conversation with Jaehyun when Xiaozhan asked me where the fever patch was.

"With Johnny," I said, Johnny placing the item on the table. I moved away just to feel his hands wrap around my wrist to pull me back but I swatted it away. I glared at him and Johnny exhaled. My gaze did not linger and I finally moved to sit with Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun when an alarm blared and an automated voice spoke through the speakers.

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