News of people committing suicide, a gas leak and a my brother's disappearance was just the tip of the iceberg when I came home to find my parents dead.
Then I was kidnapped.
By who?
Where did they bring me?
SM, School of Missions.
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We don't know what happened to Renjun after that but it was like a switch had flipped and he lost a part of himself to insanity. I believed what Jaemin said now when he said that Renjun had always been broken and what was happening in front of us was proof. It has been a few days and I stood by the door of the mansion where Chenle and the rest stayed, Jaemin and Jeno chewing on their bottom lip worriedly as I peeked through the crack.
Even Johnny was on edge but he believed that it was nothing to worry about and that Renjun needed professional help. Jaemin was the one that believed something to be wrong and he kept insisting that we had to do something—he didn't know what, but something. I turned to see that the once colorful paintings of Renjun's walls were now painted dark to what seemed like deformed trees and wilted flowers.
To top that off, Renjun had been singing, his face against the wall as he rocked himself back and forth creepily over and over again. It was like he had decided to put himself in a trance and even Moon Tae-il, the one person he looked up to could not snap him out of it.
Beyond a mountain is a misty town
Dark and dreary, ready to turn your smiles into frowns
Bodies by the rice fields and children throwing rocks
Don't forget to replace your rusty locks
"He has been singing that over and over again." Johnny sighed and I couldn't help but shudder at how hauntingly beautiful but creepy Renjun's voice sounded. He hummed the lullaby, his arms hugging himself and Jaemin was about to walk in but I saw Jeno place a hand on his lover's shoulder.
"Jaemin, you know what he did last time you tried to talk to him," Jeno warned and Jaemin paused, his eyes laced with worry and concern. Moon Tae-il stood beside us, Sungchan beside him and both of the profilers were shaking their heads.
"Black," Sungchan kept muttering under his breath. "Black for trauma. Fear. Hatred."
The trees bow to the ground, don't make a sound
Don't drink from the river, don't ask to leave
Always behave... keep an eye open when you sleep
Don't put up a fight and let the monsters take you away
Follow the steps and forever you shall stay
Renjun's voice kept on going and going and he wouldn't stop, the same melody repeating out of his room with his black paint toppled on the floor. It was Johnny who spoke this time, a hand going to his pocket to bring out his phone.
"We need to bring him for professional help," Johnny said. "Maybe someone is messing with him and knows of his past. Jaemin, you have made a lot of enemies the past few years—it's plausible that now that you both are public figures, someone found a way to mess with him."