Chapter 3

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Monika: You ok? Y/N, you ok? Y/N.

Versuchen: Huh?

Monika: You alright?

Versuchen: Yeah. Thinking.

Monika: Alright.

I was not tired still so I turned another movie on. Monika didn't lean on me this and we both went to sleep afterwards. Waking up the next morning, Monika was still asleep in her bed and I got up from the couch to brush my teeth and shower. Going to the cafeteria afterwards, I sat down at an empty table to start eating.

Monika: What's up?

Versuchen: Tired.

Monika: Aren't we all?

Versuchen: Probably.

I ate and talked with Monika before getting up to leave. Finding a new contract proposition, I called everyone else outside.

Versuchen: Der kanadische Premierminister wird von einer weißen Maskentruppe angegriffen, und wir müssen ihn beschützen. (Canadian prime minister is going to be attacked by a White Mask force and we need to protect him.)

Coded: Woher wissen sie das? (How do they know?)

Versuchen: Ein Insider der Weißen Maske hat den JTF2 benachrichtigt. (A White Mask insider notified the JTF2.)

Riese: Was ist, wenn es eine Falle ist? (What if it's a trap?)

Versuchen: Wir haben schon Fallen überlebt. (We've survived traps before.)

Watcher: Ich vertraue deinem Urteil. (I trust your judgement.)

Versuchen: Lass uns gehen. (Let's move.)

We got to Canada where we met with JTF2 guards and posted up waiting for the smallest change in color of the bushes. After a few hours, I heard several trucks speeding down the road to our location.

Watcher: Aus den Fahrern herausnehmen. (Taking out one of the drivers.)

Hearing the G28 shot, I saw the truck swerve off the road and flip over a large rock. The crash started a fire and I heard the screams of the White Masks inside. The other two trucks stopped nearby and Watcher continued popping shots with the G28. As more White Masks arrived, I pushed forward a bit as they started to push us and dropped many of them. Falling back as more arrived, we were outnumbered 10:1.

JTF1: We're outnumbered!

JTF2: Fuck! Fall back! Fall back!

I fell back with the JTF2 and continued shooting at the terrorists who were now pushing farther up. Feeling a sharp pain rip through my arm, I saw a splatter of blood appear on my plate carrier. The bullet dug deep into my plate carrier, but stopped inside it and I staggered back from the force. Continuing to retreat, we had to fall back to the interior of the building and White Masks poured in from the doors.

JTF: Everyone get down!

I heard a mounted LMG start to fire in the direction of the White Masks and lowered myself to continue pushing back. Another sharp pain ripped through my right leg as my blood splattered to the floor behind me and I fell.

Riese: Versuchen ist unten. (Versuchen is down!)

Through the pain, I pulled a drone from my vest and rolled it towards the White Masks as Coded took control of it from his tablet. The drone detonated and I was hit with a large piece of shrapnel as the area was turned to a cloud of blood. The shrapnel dug deep into my vest, but not far enough to cause serious injuries.

Watcher: Mehr sind draußen! (More are outside!)

Drawing another drone, I took control of it from my phone and took it outside where it was shot and the area turned to a bloody mess of body parts.

Watcher: Bereich ist klar! (Area is clear!)

Versuchen: Area is clear!

I forced myself to get up and heard a sniper shot as the round hit my helmet.

Watcher: Scheiße, Scharfschütze zwei Uhr! (Fuck, sniper two o' clock!)

Being rattled by the shot, I didn't have time to react before I was hit again this time in the plate carrier. The bullet stopped and I fell to the floor from the impact as Watcher fired one shot of his G28.

Watcher: Wir sind klar. (We're clear.)

Forcing myself up again, I saw the scene that had folded out from the situation; blood and body parts everywhere with mangled guns and something sickening. A mutilated head lay near the body and I saw the injuries the man had taken which told me that he wasn't initially killed. The second drone is what killed him and removed his head which meant he suffered in large quantities of pain for several seconds which may not seem like a lot, but for him probably felt like hours. For once, I actually felt bad for a terrorist and removed the mask from his head to close his eyes.

JTF: Help.

The voice was hoarse and quiet, but I heard it and saw the JTF2 soldier trapped under debris form the explosions. Seeing several bodies of JTF2 guards near him, I realized that we had taken some heavy casualties as I started getting rubble off of the man. The dust and dirt of the rubble falling to the floor, smaller chunks on concrete and wood falling off of the bigger more fragile pieces when I came to a large piece that was too heavy for me to move on my own. Riese ran over and we lifted the large piece of concrete from the JTF2 member who was unable to move above the waist. Riese dragged him to a better place where the field medics could work on him. I tried walking, but my vision went black as I hit the floor.

*Timeskip 3 days* Six POV

After seeing the disastrous situation that had unfolded in Canada, the news focused on unknown German forces at the JTF2's aid. One of the German men who I knew was a member of Sicherheit hit the floor with a loud thud in the body camera footage of a JTF2 member and the medics rushed to his aid.

Medic 1: How the fuck is he alive?

Medic 2: I don't know, but we need to keep him that way.

The medics started to operate and I noted what injuries Versuchen had sustained: a GSW to the right arm that had taken a chunk out, A GSW to the right leg that wasn't all that serious, a lot of small pieces of shrapnel that dug into various areas, and a concussion from a sniper that hit his helmet. The word spread quickly amongst my team and they were very concerned about Versuchen's state as he would not be returning to base until healed. Versuchen's team also stayed in Canada to be guarding Versuchen while he was under and the number of casualties was reported: 139 JTF2 deaths, 69 JTF2 injuries for a total of 208 casualties on the JTF2 side, counting Versuchen and 497 White Mask deaths with no survivors.

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