Chapter 15

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*Timeskip 1 hour* Monika POV

I found myself in a Russian POW camp with some US soldiers and a few Brits, but no one else. The Americans and Brits were being tortured to submission so I knew my turn would come soon.

*Timeskip 9 months*

I was tortured just enough to nearly kill me, but never fully to death which was arguably worse.

Versuchen POV

Sicherheit was trying every day to track Monika and we finally located her from seized intel. We loaded up and left the German base which became our new home for the duration of the war. We went for a stealth approach on the base and took a small group of Russians out with no hesitation. I slowly opened the metal back door of the building and it squeaked with the movements. No one came to investigate and I found no one in the neighboring rooms so I took point up the stairs.

Versuchen: Zwei rechts. (Two on the right.)

Russian 1: Немцы здесь! (The Germans are here!)

He tried running out of the room, but I grabbed his pull handle and yanked him to me. I shoved a knife through his back so far that the blade was displaying from the front of him and the second Russian shot his dying friend in the stomach three times while trying to hit me. Coded disarmed the Russian and hacked into the base's systems from the Russian's phone which revealed Monika's position.

Riese: Lass uns unsere Schwester holen. (Let's go get our sister.)

Riese took point and Coded stayed in the back of our group monitoring the Russians as the alarm sounded. He blocked their access from the cameras which hindered their ability to locate us as the base was a big place. Coded intercepted an unknown frequency and quickly revealed who it was, Team Rainbow Six.

Doc: Looks like we have some company.

Jackal: Let them do their job.

Doc: How about we do ours?

The frequency went quiet and Coded found the Russians frequency which we listened to.

Versuchen: Erschieße Angreifer auf Sicht; Team Rainbow Six enthalten. (Shoot assailants on sight; Team Rainbow Six included.)

Watcher started shooting at Russians who were outside and I heard a few start shouting to each other down the hall in a cell.

Russian: Это безопасность! (It's Sicherheit!)

I heard what I assumed to be a table flipped and two Russians left the room with their hands up. They got on their knees and didn't move afterwards.

Versuchen: Где она? (Where is she?)

Russian 1: Я не понимаю, о чем вы говорите. (I don't know what you're talking about.)

I stabbed the Russian in the stomach five times and left him to die on the floor while turning to the second one.

Russian 2: Я не знаю. (I don't know.)

After slitting the Russian's throat we continued down the hall and heard an oh so familiar noise; a suicide bomber running. 

Bomber: Fuck you!

The bomber blew up in front of a group of Russians who were behind good enough cover to be fine, but they were not fine against one of my drones.

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