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Feurety spun around, the small girl's black wings coming to a brief halt as she looked to see one of the Demon Princes flying towards her. "Lord Meliodas." She breathed out, immediately bending into a low bow, her long crimson hair flowing over her shoulders to shield her face. Meliodas chuckled, the demon coming to a stop in front of her and crossed his arms with a smirk.

"I thought I already told you, there is no need to be so formal. You are to be my future bride, after all."

Feurety flushed, her green eyes quickly darting to the side as she straightened up with a small pout. "That has yet to be decided. And besides, there are plenty other demons-" Feurety made to protest, but Meliodas just cut her off with a look. "Yes, but none of them come even close to being my equal. Not like you."

"Meli, be serious-"

"Feurety, you are the only woman who comes even close to being my equal in strength, not to mention your magical power." Meliodas voice quickly became serious, his gaze stern as he flew closer so there was just a few inches of space separating them. "If anyone is to be my bride, and future Queen of the Demon Realm, it is you." His gaze softened, green eyes filling with mirth as he cupped her chin to force her to lock gazes with him. Her emerald orbs darted between his, searching for answers, as Meliodas gave her a rare genuine smile.

"I thought you would be happy. Is this not what you worked so hard for? To be recognized by my father as my equal?"

"I am happy." Feurety breathed out, a light flush dusting over her freckled face as she stared up at her prince. "But are you happy, Meli? Is this what you want?" She questioned, and Meliodas shook his head with a light chuckle as he brushed his thumb over her plump lips. "I would be marrying my best friend. The only woman I can remotely stand-" Feurety couldn't help the giggle that escaped her as she smacked his shoulder lightly, and he smirked as he leaned forward for a soft kiss.

"Of course I'm happy."



With a loud battle cry, Feurety charged at her opponent, swiftly dodging the large battle axe that was aimed for her head. In one move, Feurety lifted her leg over her head, slamming it down as the wood of the axe haft broke apart and forced the larger demon to drop it with a grunt. Following the momentum, Feurety spun around, her foot crashing against the demon's jaw as he was sent across the ring.

"Who else?!" Feurety projected her voice as she stood tall, looking around at the many demons that surrounded the training arena, before blinking in surprise as claps sounded behind her.

"I'm impressed. But then again, I expect nothing less from a Princess of our realm. Let alone the future Demon Queen."

"Zeldris." Feurety addressed him, bending into a low bow as the young prince walked forward. The prince was dressed in his usual red battle outfit, a scowl painted his features, but his black eyes were soft as he looked at his friend. "Have you seen my brother?" Zeldris questioned, and Feurety straightened with a small frown. "Not since yesterday. Why?"

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