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Created- 4-12-21.    Year-3rd
⚠️ Self inflicted pain (kind of),  someone being in pain, someone passing out, slight cussing, CUDDLES & FLUFF!!!⚠️

It was the morning after the full moon and Remus had just transformed back into his human form.

Sirius was the first and last thing he saw before passing out from pain.

Sirius did this every full moon. Remus had told him about being a wearwolf last year in second year and ever since then Sirius would come into the Shreaking Shack to help Remus after the transformation.

Him, James and Peter were almost all animagus so they could help Remus while he is a wolf but until then they can only help him before and after the transformation.

Sirius gently put Remus's clothes on and then tended to his wounds before picking him up and carrying him to their dorm room.

James and Peter would have been there as well but James was busy with Regulus and Peter was asleep.

When he reached their dorm room he opened the door and carried Remus over to his bed.

"Is he okay?" James asked when he looked up from Regulus's hair.

The two were cuddling on the bed, Regulus asleep while James was awake so he could see Sirius and Remus come back safely.

"Yep, he just needs some rest." Sirius replied as he layed Remus down onto the bed before pulling the covers over him.

James was about to reply when Remus weakly grabbed Sirius's wrist drawing all of Sirius's attention.

"C-cold." Remus mumbled out, half asleep yet trying to stay awake long enough to talk to him.

"Do you want some more blankets?" Sirius asked as Remus intertwined their fingers together.

"Cuddle?" Remus asked, his voice fading out at the end.

"Are you sure you want to cuddle and not just add some blankets?" Sirius asked making sure Remus truly wouldn't mind them cuddling even though they cuddle on the normal.

"You're warmer." Remus replied as he tugged lightly at Sirius's hand.

Sirius smiled and complied. "Okay, just don't kill me in the morning." He said as he got under the covers with him.

Remus hummed in agreement before pulling Sirius closer to him.

Sirius ended up with his head ontop of Remus's chest, their arms around each other, and their legs tangled together.

The two quickly fell asleep.

"When the Bloody Hell will they ever figure out that they like each other and date?" James whispered out loud with a small smile.

He soon fell asleep with Regulus already asleep on his chest.

*The next morning*

James and Regulus were the first two up and decided that Remus and Sirius needed sleep so they left them be.

Instead they woke Peter up so they could all get ready and go down to the Great Hall.

James was quite tired but didn't say anything about it considering he didn't want to worry the others and would be fine later on.

*Four hours later*

Remus was the first to wake up out of the two.

He was still very sore from the transformation last night and all of his fresh cuts still hurt, even though Sirius fixed most of them.

"Morning Moony." Sirius said as he woke up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before cuddling back up to Remus.

"Morning Siri, should I ask how we ended up like this or will I just end up with an embarrassing answer?" Remus asked as he moved his weak arms to wrapp around Sirius's smaller frame.

"Well I'm not sure but I'll tell you anyway. You passed out in the Shack so I cleaned and healed all of the wounds I could before carrying you piggyback into here. I layed you you here and you grabbed my wrist asking if we could cuddle. I asked if you wanted a blanket and you smoothly said that I was warmer. And that is the lovely story of how we ended up cuddling." Sirius said with a smile as he saw Remus's blush.

"Sorry about that, you shouldn't have to deal with all of this." Remus said as he hid his blushing face into Sirius long curly hair.

"Don't apologize, I really don't mind. You do need to get to Madam Pomfrey eventually today to get yourself properly healed." Sirius said as he traced small circles onto Remus's bisep.

"We can go later, I'm comfortable and tired now." Remus said, feeling Sirius smile onto his chest making him smile.

"Sounds good." Sirius replied before he started to spell words onto Remus's arm.

After a few minutes Remus figured out that Sirius was spelling out "Love u" onto his arm making him blush.

"Love you too." Remus said before he could stop himself.

Sirius froze for a second before looking up at Remus.

"Really?" He asked sounding shocked and hopeful.

"Really." Remus said with a blush and smile.

Sirius smiled brightly before asking, "Can I kiss you?" Causing Remus's blush to brighten.

"I don't see why not." Remus said making Sirius lean in and kiss the taller boy.

"Could we be boyfriends?" Sirius asked when they pulled apart only to be pulled back into another kiss, getting his answer.

"FINALLY!!! IT TOOK YOU TWO LONG ENOUGH!!!" James yelled as he, Regulus, and Peter all walked into the room. Peter and Regulus covered their eyes as James smiled knowing that his OTP had sailed.

The two pulled apart blushing. "Shut it James." Sirius laughed as he hid his face into Remus's chest while Remus hid in Sirius's hair.

"My ship has sailed!!!" James cheered as he did a little happy dance before ushering the other two out of the room, leaving the new couple alone.

"So what do you want to do now?" Remus asked Sirius while moving his head so he could run his hand through Sirius's hair withought hitting himself in the face.

"Cuddle." Sirius replied as he nuzzled closer to Remus.

"Sounds perfect." Remus said with a smile.

The two ended up falling back asleep and didn't go to the Hospital Wing until around dinner time.

It was fine though because they were happy, together, and Remus didn't have any wounds too painful.

Overall they all lived happily ever after.

1,048 Words! I'm so sorry for the stupid late update and for the ending of this sucking so badly.

I have been busy with the Scorpius book and my own book called "Knights (BxB)". Bacily just other gay stuff.

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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