17: Sister Xi

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When Xue Xi was ready, Lu Chao stretched out one hand and he stressed. "You gotta use strength and must be quick. But you're a girl and your reaction is slow..."

Before he could finish his sentence, she gave him a kick.


Lu Chao felt a powerful force coming at him and he backtracked five, six steps before steadying himself.

By the time he regained his senses, he was confused.

How can a girl be so strong?

Xue Xi ended off in a suave pose as she turned to look at him. "Do I need more strength?"

She grew up in the orphanage since she was young and had to do heavy manual labor such as washing sheets and blankets. Hence, she was much stronger than the average person.

Unfortunately, she had not learned martial arts in the past and did not know how to fight.

Lu Chao hurriedly signaled. "It's enough."

He moved his numb hand and said, "Do this 'hit' action. Mhm, relax and you don't have to use too much strength."

After learning it two times, Xue Xi had gotten hold of the boxing's key elements. Taking a look at the time, she hurried to where Qin Shuang was.

The sky was getting dark and the lamps in the alley were lit. By the time Xue Xi got there, she saw the seven Flames and Qin Shuang squatting dazedly beneath the faint light from the lamp. Meanwhile, Gao Yanchen was still leaning against the wall and playing with his phone. They looked quite hilarious like this.

Flame Number One was holding a grass stalk, which he got from somewhere, in his mouth, and he said, "Sh*t! Could she have lied to us and won't be coming back?"

Qin Shuang anxiously replied, "It's not her business to begin with. Brother Chen, you can choose to just beat me up or let me go!"

Gao Yanchen sneered and kept quiet. Then, his ears moved slightly and he heard light footsteps coming.

Tilting his head slightly, he saw the girl walking toward them, and she was expressionless just as before. She appeared apathetic and her eyes seemed naturally dazed as she said slowly, "I've finished learning."

Feeling anxious, Qin Shuang said, "Xue Xi, knock it off! Brother Chen is really good at fighting and nobody in this area could beat him..."

Gao Yanchen raised his brow.

Usually, he did not mind anyone and would beat both men and women. However, for some unknown reason, when he saw a good girl like her, he could not bring himself to do it.

Maybe he should go easy on her and not let her be defeated too badly.

Thinking of which, he said, "Let's start."

Just as he said it, the quiet girl moved. By the time she completed the series of moves—"kick, hit, slam, seize, and twist"—Gao Yanchen was lying flat on the ground while she got him into an arm lock.


Everyone present was taken aback and stared blankly at them.

Too fast.

It was so fast that before they could even cheer, it had ended.

Gao Yanchen tried to forcefully break free of the girl's control. Even though she seemed weak, he could not break free!

He shouted, "I wasn't well-prepared just now. Let's do it again!"


Xue Xi nodded and let go of his arm. She stretched her fist and her right foot took a step back. Looking serious, her eyes seemed blank and her position did not change at all.

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