48: Jerk! Beast!

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Night fell.

The crystal chandelier was giving out bright white light as it shone on every face with unfathomable expressions.

The existence of the helpers, who were serving them by the side, diminished.

Old Master Xue, who had remained silent throughout, sat up straight. "Nonsense!"

Xue Sheng continued standing. His broad shoulders seemed to be capable of propping up the sky for the mother and daughter pair. Looking at his father, he said, "Dad, look at this family. Does it still have a place for our family of three? People who don't know might think that I'm not Mom's biological son!"

"That's bullshit!" Old Lady Xue shouted agitatedly. "I carried you in my womb for ten months and gave birth to you painstakingly. So that's how you're treating me?"

After saying that, she turned to look at Ye Li. "It must be you who have been instigating Xue Sheng behind our backs, causing my son to be at odds with me! I shouldn't have allowed you to marry into our family back then. The fortune-teller mentioned that you're a jinx. You'll break up our family sooner or later. Now his words have really come true!"

Ye Li was stunned. She did not expect to hear this.

Xue Sheng was in disbelief. He supported Ye Li's shoulders. A boiling fury swelled inside of him. "So you haven't been fond of Ye Li simply because of this reason?"

Old Lady Xue had told the truth without thinking so she decided to admit to it straightforwardly. "Right! It's because of this! She can't even give birth to a son! Won't you be left without a descendant?"

Xue Sheng yelled, "I have Xixi!"

Old Lady Xue said with disdain, "She is a girl! Moreover, her paternal grandpa is mentally unsound! Her family has this gene and she might act up in the future!"

Most mental disorders are hereditary and the chances of skipping generations are very high as well. Therefore, Xue Xi's slow-to-respond personality was seen as a form of mental illness in the old lady's eyes.

Most mental illness patients dared not to have children.

Her words were irrefutable.

Having her tender spot jabbed, Ye Li was shivering. The truth was as it was and she could not defend herself.

This time around, that hand on her shoulder patted her gently and calmed her down.

Xue Sheng did not have the intention to refute. His strong arms defended her from the front. "So, let's live apart. Just think of me as an unfilial son and you can live with the second son!"

Upon hearing this, Old Lady Xue shrieked, "You're my son so you have to provide for me!"

"Shut up!"

Old Master threw the chopsticks at Old Lady Xue and the dining room fell into pin-drop silence.

He looked at Xue Sheng.

The Xue family was a nouveau riche, but Xue Sheng was the one who found the connections and opportunities that developed the family. Although Old Master Xue was the chairman, most of the company's matters were actually being handled by Xue Sheng.

It could be said that Xue Sheng had contributed 70 percent to the current development of the Xue family's company!

That was also why Old Lady Xue was biased toward the second son. Xue Sheng did not have a son, but the conservative old patriarch still wanted to hand the company to him.

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