Chapter 80: Time for Face-smacking!

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The matters concerning the academic community did not reach Weibo so quickly.

The topic #Huaxia University's special admission# became bigger and bigger. While the filming crew was having a meeting, the Academic Affairs Office of the international school was also having a meeting.

The director sighed. "Old Liu, it's not that I don't want to protect my students, but this matter is really hard to handle."

Old Liu's back was firm. "There's nothing hard about it. She didn't bribe anyone. I'll testify!"

"You can testify? How can you testify?" The dean pointed at the teachers in the meeting. "Answer me in front of everyone!"

Old Liu: "I'll state my position right here. If you expel Xue Xi, I'll resign!"

The director frowned. "Old Liu, do you really think that the school can't do without you?"

At this moment, one teacher who had been keeping an eye on the news online rushed into the office. He shouted, "Director, Huaxia University has responded on Weibo! And..."

"And what?" The director's heart skipped a beat. "Don't tell me he's going to drop the recommendation and punish the professor?"

"No..." The teacher felt that he was living in a fantasy world. He simply passed the phone to the director!

Huaxia University responded very quickly and directly posted the mathematical journal's interface picture. Then, it wrote:

Official Huaxia University: "Do you want to know why she's getting a free pass? That's the reason!"

The moment Huaxia University's Weibo posted that, Huazhong University's official Weibo, the Capital University of Science and Technology's official Weibo account, and the Capital University's Aeronautics and Space University's official Weibo account also made posts. The content was similar. "May I ask, is it too late for us to also give her a free pass now? @Official Huaxia University."

Huaxia University officials were very cold and ignored the questions from these other schools!

The director could not understand what was going on with the English mathematics journal. He asked in a daze, "What... What happened?"

Why were all these universities suddenly mentioning Xue Xi?

When Old Liu saw the academic journal, he was stunned. He stared blankly at the director and cursed, "F*ck, I finally know why Huaxia University admitted her directly!"


"Because Xue Xi is a genius!"

After the significance of Bartra's conjecture was briefly explained to him, the director was stunned. He was ecstatic. "I see! I'll go see if those reporters are still blocking the door. I'll smash my phone on their faces!"

When he was about to leave, Old Liu said proudly, "Of course, I'll be fine as long as the school doesn't have a problem anymore. Director, look here. Why don't you approve my resignation letter first?"

The director: "..."

He turned around and patted Old Liu on the shoulder. "The purpose of our meeting today was to give you a bonus."


The situation on the Internet was reversed.

After Huaxia University's Weibo post was uploaded, a group of people who did not know what was going on shouted:

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