Chapter 81: Dramatic Act!

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Cen Bai stood rooted to the ground, wondering if he should run away or apologize to that person first.

However, the way he looked as if he'd seen a ghost caused others to misunderstand.

The assistant director was a little worried. Cen Bai was very serious about acting. He was clearly from a wealthy family, but he had never acted like a big shot. He had a rule regarding his acting, and that was that his acting skills had to be up to standard, and he did not accept being interfered with by investors. So, was he not satisfied with Xue Xi?

The assistant director shot a glance at Xue Xi, who was still standing there calmly. He coughed and reminded her softly, "Xue Xi, quickly greet Teacher Cen."

A pretty little girl like her should just admit defeat, right? However, Xue Xi merely glanced at him and did not speak.

Assistant Director: "?"

It was not that Xue Xi did not want to speak, but she was just thinking about how to address Cen Bai. Should she call him Acting? That did not seem appropriate. Xiao Bai? But that was how the chatterbox addressed him. It was too intimate.

The assistant director was extremely anxious. If the young lady did not speak, what should he do? Just as he was feeling anxious, he saw Cen Bai's fox-like eyes moved slightly toward Xue Xi. "Sister Xi, are you going to film with me?"

Assistant Director: "?"

Everyone: "?"

Sister Xi? What the hell?

Did they hear wrongly?

Xue Xi nodded. The mole under Cen Bai's eye accentuated his enchanting face. "I'll go change first. See you later!"

When Cen Bai entered the piano room, the assistant director looked at Xue Xi in confusion. "You guys know each other?"

"Mhm." Xue Xi then asked, "Should I change my clothes?"

"Yes. Let's go to the dressing room. It's over there," the assistant director said as he personally led Xue Xi to the dressing room. It was only after she had entered that the assistant director realized what he had done. Only someone as popular as Cen Bai was worthy of him personally leading the way. Why did he bring along a small-bit extra just now?

Five minutes later, the dressing room door opened and the makeup artist walked out.

The assistant director was frightened. "What's wrong?"

Did something happen again?

The makeup artist was also stunned. "Nothing much. The makeup is done."

"So fast?"

The makeup artist had a look of amazement on her face. "Yes. Her skin is too good. She doesn't need to put on makeup at all. I applied only some blush on and lip gloss. And I just let her hair down! She's changing now, but she'll be out soon."

The assistant director: "..."

Just as the makeup artist had finished speaking, Xue Xi walked out of the dressing room. The moment she stepped out, everyone in the room was stunned.

The girl's jet-black, shiny hair cascaded behind her like satin. She had taken off the school uniform that she usually wore to school and had changed into the exquisite school uniform dress in the drama. The white sailor suit top was tucked into the blue pleated skirt, making her waist look slim. Under the short skirt, Xue Xi's legs were fair, straight, slim, and long. She had put on a pair of white shoes, making her ankle look exceptionally beautiful.

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