24: Give Me Your Hand

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Ding! The elevator arrived.

Both of them entered together. On the way down, Ji Silin pushed his glasses up. There were no cracks in his kind expression. "Hypnosis does exist, but this has nothing to do with your condition because I do not see any hint that you're under hypnosis."

Xue Xi's large eyes paused at a spot. She did not suspect his words, but if this was not hypnosis, what else could it be?

Amid her confusion, the elevator reached the first level.

Ji Silin smiled. "Do you have a phone now?"

She replied, "...Yes."

The two of them stared at each other momentarily. Ji Silin then sighed helplessly. "When people ask you if you have a phone, it means that they are asking for your number. Give me your phone number. You can call me anytime if you need to in the future."

Xue Xi came to this realization, then slowly took out her phone. After exchanging contacts with him, she then looked up. "Goodbye, Brother Silin."

She turned around to go back up only after the doctor had disappeared from her sight.

When she entered, Song Wenman was speaking to Ye Li. "...This is how it should be! She will always reach for more after she is given a treat whenever you give in to her. Sigh, I should never have agreed to let you marry Xue Sheng back then..."


The man, who had been sitting beside them awkwardly, made a small sound to signal his presence.

Song Wenman peered at him in dissatisfaction but did not speak any heavy-handed words. Instead, she waved Xue Xi over. "Come, I'll bring you to see your grandpa."

Xue Xi nodded.

She followed her maternal grandmother into the bedroom and spotted an old man, who had a head of white hair, sitting on the bamboo lounge chair with his eyes closed. He was basking in the sunlight.

When the two entered, the old man opened his eyes. He was first a little surprised at seeing Xue Xi, but he soon smiled. "Lili, aren't you in university? Why are you back?"

Xue Xi was a little taken aback.

Her maternal grandmother sighed. "He has lost part of his memories and so all he remembers are things from 20 years ago."

She then turned to the old man. "This is Xixi—Lili's daughter."

Old Man Ji was not mentally unsound, though. He even smiled and replied, "What use is there lying to me? How can Lili possibly have a daughter this big?"

He seemed to be a little sleepy as, right after saying this, he rested against the chair and fell asleep.


At noon, Ye Li and Song Wenman were cooking in the kitchen. Xue Xi wanted to help out but was chased out.

Her father had brought her maternal grandfather out for a stroll. Hence, having nothing to do, she was regretting not bringing any papers with her. She could even finish one set of questions during this time.

Bored, she paced around the bookshelf in the living room. By chance, she spotted a paper that had turned yellow. She picked it up out of curiosity and, after reading a few lines, she realized that they were actually all mathematical knowledge. She proceeded to read it intently.

A sudden voice interrupted her. "Are you interested in this? It's yours, then."

She looked up and spotted her father helping her maternal grandfather into the house.

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