34: First Place!

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Xue Sheng fell into a short trance when he heard this.

He had been astonished when Xue Xi had obtained first in the level the previous time. However, after inquiring more at the orphanage, he found this to be a normal occurrence.

That was because Xue Xi had been learning on her own after she graduated from Middle School.

Still, other than talent, one still needed to be hardworking for competitions like the Mathematical Olympiad. No matter how smart Xixi was, she had been back for only half a month, so how could she possibly get good results there?

He patted Ye Li's shoulders. While sighing, he also chided himself internally, If we had not lost the child back then, she would have been the brightest star among her generation.

While the two were speaking, the old patriarch suddenly walked over with his hands behind his back. The old patriarch said to Xue Sheng, "Come over."

Xue Sheng quickly followed behind him. "What's wrong, Dad?"

The old patriarch looked at him and asked, "Have you received any news about that Lu Chao?"

Xue Sheng shook his head.

The other frowned at this. "Put more effort into looking again."



As usual, Xue Xi alighted at the provision store and held hands with Xiang Huai after breakfast.

Recently, the length of time they needed to hold hands was getting longer by the day. It had already been two minutes today and she still felt a dull pain in her heart.

Just as she was feeling the internal changes in herself, Xiang Huai leaned against the table and supported his head with his other free arm. "Little kid, don't you think this is a waste of time?"

His low voice was exceptionally sexy and alluring.

Xue Xi paused for a moment, then said, "So?"

Xiang Huai's lips turned up slightly. In that instant, it felt as though all the light in the room was aggregating on his face. His sharp and defined features even seemed to be sparkling and filled with enticement. "I have a method that can resolve this quickly and easily. Do you want to hear it?"

Xue Xi instantly understood what he wanted to say next. She hurriedly avoided his gaze and coolly answered, "...No."

Her reserved and cold attitude did not anger him. Instead, the man chuckled. His laughter seemed to turn tangible as it encompassed her heart and made her throat run dry.

He asked, "Why?"

Half a beat later, Xue Xi answered, "I know what you want to say."

He raised an eyebrow. "So do you want to do it with your boyfriend?"

Xue Xi frowned and considered it, and, as though she had made a decision, she said, "...Fine."

Xiang Huai was stunned.

Little kid is really agreeing to kiss and hug me?

Right after thinking this, he saw her reach out with her other hand. "Come. If we hold both hands together, it should be faster by two times."


After a full five seconds, Xiang Huai burst out laughing.

Why is my little kid this cute?

Xue Xi did not wait for his reply and stood up. "Today is done. We shall try again tomorrow."

She picked up her bag and exited out the door in her loosely-fit uniform.

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