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Do i have to like eat cum or something????? i need attention

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Do i have to like eat cum or something????? i need attention

Do i have to like eat cum or something????? i need attention

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Someone..anyone please just smooch me😳😳😳

Idk wtf I'm writing about I'm just bored.

Is there a surgery to get a penis? That's like called dick implant or some shit right?

I think i would get another weewee on my back

In a threesome with two guys i would make a rule and say whoever has more than one penis will be the pegger and they'd be like "oohhh but everyone has one heeeheee guess we'll decide by size" but then I'll suprise them with my two dicks and ram them

When i become a porn director i think I'll make movie based off of this

You'll be seeing directed by Jesus ____ soon

Fuck Bella Thorne and her bitch ass ruining the lives of sex workers

K bye

Remember my birthday is October 8 so put that in your calendars

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