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lol bitch u just made a snake sound

anyways i dont have a boyfriend now so ladiieessss ;))) 

console me

Here's my dating profileeeeee:

my name is Sexy Baby Jesus

My astrology symbol is the dollar sign, cha ching motherfuckerrrrr

i like to draw (aspiring hentai artist)

i like to run (i did 30 laps in the pacer test)

i can do a handstand (i did it 5 years ago but i think i can still do it)

i died my hair blue (dead)

k im bored next topic

um if u watched tower of god then yeah ur cool

i broke my ankle it hurts but that happened three years ago lol

here is my cousin he's like 1 year and 4 months old:


that's his speach, period!!!! 

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