Note to readers

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This book is divided into 4 parts: Placing of Pawns, Subtlety of a Child, Watering of a Desert, Play of Gods. Each segment has a liquid flow of POV(point of view) character narration ranging in length of a paragraph to several pages.

I would recommend you to at least finish the 1st part: Placing of Pawns before deciding if this book is for you or not.

The style of writing jumps from one POV(point of view) character to another. You may be new to this style of writing so you might take time to adjust to it. It is common.

A lot is happening in the 1st part everywhere, you might have to go back to previous chapters to understand what is happening. But I believe it is part of the fun to discover a whole new world piece by piece, sometimes scratching your heads to get a hint of what is to come. The second and third part have multiple POV characters involved in the same incident making the transition, maybe, a lot smoother. The overbearing, current plot may then become obvious. But, wait as the main plot unfolds in the last book.

Remember to not rush through any parts, there are occasional subtle mentions of very important things too. Though it is not a mystery novel it is important to pay attention to details. Only then does the world effectively come together and plot lines are clearly understood.

Never hesitate to comment or provide feedback, whatever it may be.

Link for a playlist for this book is embedded.

25eebebd66b58d10253b537cbe960f0cI'm serializing this work on Webnovel. Head over to Webnovel for the other chapter updates!

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