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destiny stood in the garage silently trying not to laugh

tiny: we're done? are you fucking serious? whos the other bitch then? haw?

osvaldo: haha what other bitch your the only one i see here stop acting crazy serio leave

tiny: my homegirl told me she saw you with another female is she here haw?

she tried to go inside but he stopped her

osvaldo: get out go do something with yourlife forreals got get used by another felo or something

tiny: let me catch you with another bitch watch

osvaldo: what you gonna do? you do know i been fucking around the whole time tiny this shit was never really serious to me? come on you should've known?

she stood there quiet

destiny: babe chill!

tiny: is that her texting you? let me talk to her tell her about you how your shady manipulative and a waste of fucking time! karmas a bitch and it'll come after you both watch

he shook his head

osvaldo: just leave come on before the neighbors start talk shit

tiny ignored him and went into his house

destiny got nervous she stood there quietly not trying to make any noise

tiny: i know shes in here i do!

osvaldo walked in laughing

osvaldo: you think i would bring a female in here with no furniture? haha shes not so don't trip i ain't stupid but can get the fuck out forreals

tiny: this is really what you want?

osvaldo: yea and look

he broke his phone in half

osvaldo: you cant track or hack my shit no more

she stormed off

destiny: osvaldo! haha

osvaldo: i love you haha

he hugged her by her waist and kissed her

destiny: i love you too loco but did you have to go that hard?

osvaldo: i was just trying to put a point across i don't want that anymore i want you only

she side smiled and kissed him

destiny: it'll be ok lets just lay low

osvaldo: so you'll never tell her?

destiny: uhh no are you crazy? haha

osvaldo: you forreals wouldn't? fuck ill tell her i don't care

she noticed him get mad as he walked away

osvaldo: I'm actually serious about us i want a future with you

destiny: i want a future with you to .. but shes still going to be around this is still fresh give it a bit

osvaldo: if she catches on what you denying me?

destiny: no ill probably be moving in if she does catch on haha

osvaldo: you can move now if you want baby

destiny: i wish but give it time baby don't worry

they spent the day setting up his new place

tiny- i thought you would come home?

destiny- sorry mom i have plans then work tomorrow you ok? hows work?

tiny- i called off and went over to see him

destiny- he gave you his address?

tiny-yea i went over he told me he had been cheating .. you where right dezy he used me

destiny- it is what it is mom don't trip on it you'll be ok you always are

tiny- that's true i will be but ay where does your man live?

destiny- why?

tiny- cuz i wanna know where my daughter is

destiny- don't worry about me i can take care of myself take the rest of the weekend to heal mom it'll be ok i love you

tiny- love you to be safe

the call cut and she set her phone down and went back to him they watched tv

she fell asleep


tiny: how could you do this to me!! your my daughter!!

destiny: mom let me explain please!

tiny: i hate you! how could you! there's nothing you can explain you whore!

she slapped her .. destiny woke up

osvaldo: you good? haha

destiny: yea weird dream I'm gonna go shower its hot

he nodded

osvaldo: dalia called i answered

destiny: what she say?

osvaldo: your mom called her asking about your new man angel? that your staying with him?

destiny: yea your names angel she wouldn't let up i was on the spot its ok haha

osvaldo: she tracked your location to haha

destiny: what? why didn't you wake me up?

osvaldo: you looked so peaceful asleep dalia lied and told her yall where drunk on the southside partying and i turned off your location

destiny: why are you so calm?

osvaldi: haha cuz I'm high and i started shit with her she got my new number fucking bitch haha i took a picture of us as you slept your face wasn't showing

destiny: what?! what she say?

osvaldo: she said fuck that bitch and i told her yea that's the plan haha

she busted out laughing

destiny: 5 bucks she slashes your tires haha

osvaldo: its in the garage with yours just incase haha but come on lets shower I'm tired as fuck

she went home the next night

destiny: have you left the house? whats all this mess?

tiny: i got mad so i got drunk and trashed everything

destiny: well shit

tiny: yea .. but dez?

destiny: yea?

she said as she turned to her

tiny: your location was on last night right

destiny: i think so i was drunk why?

tiny: it was cuz i saw it and it said osvaldos address? why why would it say that?

she got nervous

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