player gene

73 10 2

he slept over that night

osvaldo- really? you gonna lag it on me?

destiny- i dont want to but he fell asleep i cant just disappear .. we got tomorrow i work a full shift

osvaldo- yea on my dick haha .. i miss you though i need you in my arms babe

destiny- i miss you too but i got her off my back finally it feels good . i love you

osvaldo- i love you too

Klever: whos texting you baby?

she put her phone down and turned to him

destiny: the homegirl got man problems but your up? thought i put you to sleep haha

he laughed as he pulled her close to him

clever: i felt you far so i woke up but i hope it ain't bad that i crashed here?

destiny: its ok i have an early shift with the homegirl though

klever: don't trip come here though its my turn to put you to sleep

she laughed as he kissed her all over and sweet talked her .. he was gentle and caring but passionate at the same time something she hadn't felt before ..

morning came ..

klever: text me ok have a good day beautiful

he kissed her softly

destiny: i will be safe

she watched him leave

alvaro: already fucking up

destiny: come on haha

alvaro: your feelings for him will grow watch i thought you had the player gene in you haha

destiny: i don't wanna be a bitch ok haha but I am one i don't have work today i lied

alvaro: what are you doing instead?

destiny: meeting up osvaldo

alvaro: during the day? be careful ok .. but i should be honest klevers a good guy smart stable financially set too and he's hood i trust him

destiny: ok so you tell me to play it to do all my shit now you like him for me? dad i love osvaldo

alvaro: shes pregnant is it his nobody knows we'll find out in 9 months you really think it'll be easy?

she sighed

destiny: i cant just huh .. fuck

alvaro: i know you cant just end it with him .. i get it you love him .. but you have to think of your sanity .. but if your going to continue this be smart before you get caught up in shit

destiny: ill see what i want but shh ok and back me up

alvaro: you know i got you babygirl always but here

he passed her some cash ..

alvaro: let me be the one to give you money not these guys ok i got you

she hugged him

destiny: thanks dad

she went to get ready ..

osvaldo walked out of his place

tiny: glad your here

osvaldo: stalk much what do you want?

tiny: here's the paper work i have a n appointment Monday at 10 at that address

osvaldo: thats cool .. look i don't want shit to do with any of this i wont put my name on the birth certificate you can try and get me for child support cool i don't care but i know this baby ain't mine

tiny: ignore me all you want ill still make your life a living hell ill never let you be with her

osvaldo: tiny we're not together we broke up she moved already come on I'm sorry i did you dirty but leave me the hell alone! I'm starting to get fucking mad!

tiny: i wish i could believe you and her but I'm not stupid .. this is your karma i hate you both you used me hurt me you pretended to love me when i truly loved you .. for her i guess its karma i hurt her i wish it wasn't like this .. i miss my daughter but i hate her

he didn't know what to say .. he shook his head as she walked away

he got in his car and left he fell the guilt hit

destiny: hey you

he hugged and kissed her

destiny: why you quiet you ok?

osvaldo: i was feeling a way cuz your mom rolled up on me telling me shit the usual

destiny: i barely got her off my ass shit .. what happened?

osvaldo: shes pregnant i have the paperwork the appointments Monday i guess

destiny: oo shit

osvaldo: yea i told her i want nothing to do with her or the baby because ei know i ain't the dad i never finished in her shit we barely even fucked

destiny: so shes forreals pregnant then

osvaldo: yea look

he pulled out the papers and showed them to her

destiny: dammit huh .. the hell is going to be never ending

osvaldo: i know .. that's why i was thinking and going to stay with my sister for a bit let shit cool down

destiny: wait what? no you cant just leave what about us?

osvaldo: stay with your dad babe you got that fool with free rent we can see each other still my sisters like 2 hours away

destiny: no .. i cant loose you ill deal with her hell ill pay rent i don't care i don't want you to leave

osvaldo: there's the thing i don't want you dealing with it.. i caused this ok i love you destiny i want you to be happy if i stick around she'll come back with her shit

destiny: if you leave when will i see you then?

osvaldo: ill drive out or you can drive out to me

she put her head on his chest as he hugged her

destiny: i love you

osvaldo: i love you too its not permenat ok .. and it'll be easier to hide shit you can tell your dad we broke up to if you want haha but we'll still be on the low fuckin around

destiny: its not all about that babe

he looked down at her

osvaldo: i know don't worry

destiny: watch your ass leave and you find another bitch

osvaldo: oo yea to have more drama your her daughter i know your crazy too haha I'm gonna get my shit straight get settled and move you with me i just want her to leave us alone i want it to die down ya know?

destiny: wait settle down? with me?

osvaldo: hell yea babe just me and you in peace somewhere away from all this bullshit

she kissed him

osvaldo: I'm gonna want a goodbye gift though

destiny: cant let you leave without it don't want you trying to find another hoe haha

osvaldo: naw that shit stopped when i got with you baby

they kissed and walked into there hotel room

Destiny  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now