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tiny: what do you have to say?

as heart broken as she was she wasn't going to let her mom see that she was

destiny: I'm disgusted look at you? your gonna raise another kid alone? your homeless living in your car haha your pathetic

she hugged her grandma and left .. she broke down on her way home

osvaldo: whats wrong? why you crying?

destiny: after work i went to check on my grandma my pathetic excuse for a mother shows up telling me shes been looking for you but she told me message

osvaldo: destiny

destiny: is that why you took me out last weekend? haw! shes fucking pregnant! she told me to tell you she has proof to ..

osvaldo: last weekend had been planned did i know yea cuz that's the last thing she told me but i don't believe her and i still dont why would i tell you and ruin a whole weekend? destiny?

she shook her head

destiny: this is my karma .. i swear

she grabbed her keys he tried to stop her

osvaldo: babe please

destiny: i need some air ill be back later maybe

she left .. he was furious

osvaldo- you fucking bitch!!

tiny- haha i see she told you haha

osvaldo- make a doctors appointment i wanna see an ultrasound wanna hear a heart beat shit i want a DNA test!! even then i dont give a fuck! fuck you!! give it up to the system do what you wanna do i dont care!!

tiny- i have the blood work paper that's enough proof ill come by

osvaldo- whatever bitch

destiny had pulled over randomly and broke down crying she wanted to call dalia but did feel like dealin with her craziness .. she called her dad

alvaro- hey babygirl

destiny- i need you dad .. can i see you?

alvaro- mija I'm busy right now it ain't safe where I'm at

destiny- huh i dont care where you are .. i need you

alvaro- ok ill send you the address

destiny- ok

she ended the call and went to his place

osvaldo- babe please i love you i wanna be with you only you please answer me

she ignored him and got down as her dad walked out

destiny: it doesn't look that bad

alvaro: the outside is nice but whats wrong your eyes are puffy and red?

she hugged him ..

alvaro: did yall break up?

destiny: not yet

he saw how heart broken she was

alvaro: come into my room ignore whats going on inside though

she nodded as they walked threw the house .. there was random girls breaking up cocaine and putting it into baggys his homies hanging out in the living room

alvaro: ay this is my daughter dezy

they nodded at her .. they went to his room

destiny: you'll never change will you

Destiny  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now