get it from my momma

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tiny: hes acting nice and loving right now but watch

destiny: mom how long ago was that though? haha

tiny: how long have you been with him?! tell me!!

destiny: we fucked the night you came back from grandmas remember when you where so desperate to spend time with him? haha that same night he asked me to be his .. we actually fucked a lot while you slept to haha

tiny tried to slap her but destiny stepped away she went to her room and got everything important

tiny went in with a box

destiny: i don't need a box

tiny: its not for that this box is filled with his love letters our visit pictures everything i ever did for him i saved all his court papers here have the receipts from all his packages i fucking paid for!! read the fucking letters!!

destiny laughed

destiny: mom he was using you the whole fucking time!! i read the letters remember when you showed me haha and i told you back then to!! but thanks for helping him i would've helped him to if i knew our relationship would become something real

tiny: your such a fucking whore

destiny: what can i say i get it from my mother

she grabbed her things and walked out to her car

alvaro: dezy?

destiny: bad timing dad leave

alvaro: whats wrong?

tiny came out

tiny: he's going to leave you like every man of yours has left you!!

alvaro: lourdes!!

tiny: shut the fuck alvaro butt out of it

destiny: whos left me though? you sure this ain't your karma? haha

she went back to her room to get more things

alvaro: leave her alone stop with your shit tiny ok

tiny: wait did you know to?

alvaro: yea we talked yesterday but don't be stupid shit like that cuz i never left my daughter i was leaving your crazy fucking ass you just used her against me

she rolled her eyes and went inside he followed

osvaldo- do you need help?

destiny- no I'm packing things and leaving

osvaldo- you ok?

destiny- I am I'm just mad

she put her phone away as she walked into her room

alvaro: lourdes come on let it be

tiny: no shes lucky shes of or i would've beat her ass!

destiny: haha what does that even mean haha but fuck you! if i wasn't 18 you wouldn't have cared!! tell dad everything come on do it!!

tiny: tell him how you got pregnant at 16 that kid left you and you lost the baby for being a dumbass the baby got lucky if anything

destiny got angry and tried going after her but alvaro stopped her

alavaro: the bitch isn't worth it go destiny

destiny: no move I'm beating her old ass up you don't talk like that about my son! you fucking low life bitch!! he left you! he didn't want you!! he never fucking wanted you that's what he always told me!!

tiny: i hope he uses you to i hope he leaves you like they all do!!

alvaro let destiny go and pushed tiny and closed the room door and locked it

alvaro: ok breath a bit

she sat down and broke down

alvaro: babygirl come on shit just happens if yall just cool down and talk

destiny: no i can careless about her .. why say my son left me why go that low?

he didn't saw a word he sat down next to her and hugged her

alvaro: she ain't right in the head pack your things come lets go i got you

destiny: its ok i got it i know your busy

alvaro: destiny i love you and I'm sorry babygitl I am i never meant to leave you it was her

she nodded and packed her things and walked out

destiny: I'm calling the landlord and pulling the lease ill pay the fines be homeless you cunt

she walked out

alvaro: lets make shit clear tiny i left you i didn't wanna be with you i wanted to be in my daughters life but you didn't let me be you fucking lied to her all these years and fucking broke her!! this is your fault!! you bitch! you come for her again and ill deal with your fucking ass!!!

she backed away he grabbed the rest of destiny things to her car

alvaro: lets go come on

destiny: I'm scared she'll follow

alvaro: she wont

they left

destiny: how did you know i was there?

alvaro: he called me i told a home to drop me off

destiny: you didn't have to

alvaro: dezy i never wanted to be absent from your life she kept you from me because i didn't wanna be with her now your a biggirl and can decide if you want me around or not

destiny: your not mad that i well i kinda stole him from her but he used her and chose me?

alvaro: do i approve? no but that ain't my business but i will protect you from her and him if i have to

destiny: he loves me dad but thank you I'm glad i have you now

he nodded as the parked

osvaldo didn't day anything he walked up and hugged her

osvaldo: you ok? why does it look like you where crying?

destiny: she said shit she shouldn't have .. but thanks for calling him he helped

alvaro: she crossed the line but yall are even forreals

destiny: haha whatever are you sticking around or taking off again?

alvaro: i got a place I'm local I'm trying to get settled ok don't hesitate to call me I love you babygirl I'm here for you

she nodded and hugged him he hugged her tighter .. she watched him leave

destiny: so you happy?

osvaldo: about?

destiny: i told her everything from the first time we fucked how you bought me all those things haha

osvaldo: you went that far? haha

destiny: i had to she kept pulling well i paid for this for him he wrote me i freed him

osvaldo: what you say back?

destiny: he used you while he really fell for me spoiled me fucked me while you slept she tried to slap me after that one haha but she missed

osvaldo: so what she say that crossed the line?

destiny: that your gonna leave like every man I've had had .. she said that's why my son died .. my dad pushed her too

osvaldo: what a bitch? the fuck?

destiny: it is what it is ok I'm out I'm cutting the lease fuck her

he hugged her by her waist

osvaldo: i love you and I'm never going to leave you

destiny: you promise?

he nodded and kissed her and hugged her..

Destiny  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now