Chapter 24 Liberations PART 3

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Chapter 24

Liberations: Part 3

It was a massacre. Those who weren't immediately killed were rewarded with witnessing the sheer destruction of the onslaught around them. One deafening explosion after another rang out, accompanied by flashes of blinding light that made the whole area appear to be engulfed in a fiery thunder storm.

Simon spurred his horse ahead desperately, trying to save what was left of his quickly diminishing army. "Halt! Pull back and take cover in the ruins!" he ordered. Soldiers continued to charge past him, his words getting lost in the commotion. "RETREAT!" he tried once more, to no avail.

His horse lost balance as the ground shook violently from a particularly close blast. After nearly being tossed off, he momentarily readjusted himself and settled his steed. Looking up and around him, time seemed to slow down. His orders were too late, he realized. Another combustion, muffled to his ears, swallowed the horseback soldiers riding ahead of him in a billowing cloud of soot and fire. All Simon could do was observe helplessly. He was losing this battle.

Suddenly, the battlefield began to quieten. It felt as though they'd passed into the eye of a hurricane.. Those lucky who were left behind the line of Simon tried to find their vision through the smoke filled fog that engulfed the air, all that they could see what remained were residual blue contrails that glowed omnisciently all around.

In the air they flickered and streaked across the battlefield before fading away and dimming into silence. If they hadn't seen such destruction firsthand themselves, just before the lingering lights, they may have thought them almost beautiful. Something out of a mythical story forgotten on the tongue. But any such short feelings of awe and wonder that may have captivated them, quickly pitted into unimaginable terror as they saw their true reality before them.

Simon waited with bated breath while the smoke cleared from the destroyed gate in front of him. What he saw shook him to his core.

Filled with an unshakable fear that he has never felt in his entire life, Simon's eyes wandered slow from the low of the hallowed ground, up through the hanging clouds above them. And that was when his eyes rested on their doom towering and looming over. Nothing remained of the men who charged through the castle wall.

He paled at the sight of the nightmare before his eyes, reflexively pulling his horse back a few steps. His soldiers were waiting for his orders, but he couldn't make himself speak. His once confident hand directing orders high above his head began to droop. He was stricken.

What stood between them and their only route through the castle wall appeared to be a massive Hinox. Simon could hardly believe it. They were the villains of children's bedtime stories, a minion of Ganon from a much darker age long ago. But this was no mere myth, it was real. Despair hung thickly in the air, what little hope he had left was quickly evaporating.

"Goddesses... What do we do?" a cavalier spoke beside him. "My Lord, what are we to do against something like...that!?" he questioned again when he got no response.

Simon was frozen. They were all doomed, and he knew it.


Link descended from the keep as quickly as he could, heading to the castle wall where he could see a massive Hinox far too close to his fellow soldiers for comfort. It was unlike any other Hinox he had encountered before while on his quest to free the Divine Beasts. This one was far larger, and appeared to have been resurrected by the use of twisted means. Whether it was wicked magic or forbidden technology, he couldn't say, and frankly, didn't have much time to ponder it.

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