Part 17: Day 7

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I woke up with Jungkook next to me. Mrs. and Mr. Jeon left early for work and will be home late. Can I say that I look cute when I'm asleep? I mean, Jungkook looks cute as hell. "It's creepy to know you're watching me sleep." Jungkook mumbled. I quickly looked at something else in the room. "I wasn't watching you." I lied. "Of course, you weren't. You were just staring at the pillow I'm using." He hadn't opened his eyes yet. Don't ask me how he knew I was looking at him. "Exactly." I nodded.

"Let's get some breakfast." Jungkook opened his eyes and sat up. "Shall we go to the cafe nearby? They have really good pancakes. "I have really good pancakes as well." I crossed my arms. "You're right. You should make some." He smiled and kissed my cheek. Oh god, I want to kiss him too but I'm so not going to kiss my own face. 


"How does it taste?" I asked as I watched him eating the pancakes I made. "It is awesome. You should make this more often." Jungkook said with his mouth full of pancake. I chuckled at his cute actions. "What about we buy a house? We can live together and after our graduation we can have our own family." I almost choked on my food. "Uh- But- What?" I stuttered. "I want to live with you." Jungkook smiled. "But I don't have money." I used as an excuse. I don't mind to share a house with him but if that means I'll be alone with him, I don't know if I'm ready for that. Who knows what he's planning to do?

"Don't worry about that. I can ask my parents for help." Of course! He has a solution for everything! "Well... We can take a look for some nice houses." I decided to say. I will live with him anyway. Whether it's now or about 10 years, it will happen. He's my soulmate after all. "I already did some research. I think I found some nice houses that you'll like as well." I coughed. How is he so prepared for everything?! "No need to rush." I mumbled. "But I want to move in there as soon as possible." Aish this boy!


We were at the park. I had bought ice cream and Jungkook paid the drinks. We had decide to take a look at the houses Jungkook found. The shortest way was through the park.

"We're almost there." Jungkook announced. I nodded while eating my ice cream. 

After another 5 minutes we were in front of a beautiful house. It was pretty big but not something that caught the eye easily. Exactly what I want. It was a pretty house. The others weren't as nice as this one. "Omo! I like this one!" I yelled. "Shall we take a look inside?" I frowned. "But maybe the owners aren't ready for that. Maybe they want to clean or something before they show us around." I said. "Don't worry. I already called the owners of the houses I found. They were all free and said I could jump in whenever I want." Damn, this boy really is prepared for everything. How did he even know I would agree on this? "Sure." 

Jungkook rung the bell. An old lady opened the door. "Hello, you must be Jungkook and Y/n." She spoke. We both nodded and gave her a friendly smile. "So, you managed to get your man over here." She joked while looking at Jungkook. "Yes, I did. He wasn't sure about agreeing at first but I got him here." The lady laughed. "You to look cute together. Come in." He stepped aside to let us in. 

The house looked perfect. The kitchen was big and the living room had everything I could even dream of. There was even a pool in the garden and inside the house! The bedrooms were cosy and big and the bathroom was perfect as well. I really want this house. 

"This house is like a dream house." I whispered. "What about we buy it?" Jungkook suggested. I nodded excited. I can always hide somewhere in this house if Jungkook is planning on doing something I don't want. "Mrs. Soi, we would like to buy this house." She nodded. "I'm happy you like it."


We did a lot of paperwork already but the house is still not ours. It will take a few months till everything is settled. Jungkook and I were on our way to a shop to buy some clothes.

"What do you think about this dress?" Jungkook showed me one of the dresses in this shop. It looks nice. "I like it. Try it on." I pushed him in one of the cabins and closed the door. I waited patiently till he was ready. When he came out my jaw dropped. I look so good in that dress! "We're so gonna buy that!" I managed to say. "Well, I found some nice clothes for you too." Jungkook smiled. It would be weird if he said it would be for himself.


It was evening. We both were on the beach watching the sunset. "Y/n." I turned my gaze to Jungkook. He looked me in the eye. "I love you." I smiled. I never really said I love him. Did I? "I love you too, Jungkook." I spoke with a smile plastered on my lips. "Did you just said that you love me?!" I chuckled and nodded. "I did." 

"I'm going to kiss you." I shook my head. "No, you're not." He pouted. "Promise me I can kiss you tomorrow." 

"I promise."

I gave him a hug. "I love you, Jungkook." It felt good to tell him that. "I love you too."

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