😏Teen Fiction Results😏

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Hello everybody!

I would like to express my tremendous gratitude to the amazing judges for their stark diligence as well, QueenOfSass8 and awakened_dreams.

Today is a spectacular day, in fact, the teen fiction results are going to be announced at last. 

If you are eager to discover the results, subsequently let's hop up to them without an ado.

First place goes for Empty 

by stormwhitaker

Title – 5/5

It's simple. Poetic. Beautiful. And just perfect!

Cover – 4.5/5

The cover is great, I just think the font could go a little bolder to make it stand out the tiniest bit more. Otherwise its perfect.

Blurb – 5/5

To the point, just giving enough information to make the readers inquisitive about the book. Well written.

Grammar and Punctuation – 9.5/10

Barely found any errors, just a few grammatical stuff probably twice while reading. I think the editing is well done as well.

Writing Style – 10/10

I'd say beautiful. There's literally nothing to make it better, it's already perfectly written. The additions of graphics inbetween is beautiful as well.

Character development – 10/10

The pace of character development is great and the female protagonist is written about perfectly.

Plot/Storyline – 10/10

The flow is perfect and not too nagging. It makes me want to read more and more with each chapter.

Overall enjoyment – 15/15

I just can't wait to read more, it's a beautiful book. I know many cliché's about a girl having a messed up life but this one doesn't make me feel like it's a cliché. It's just a beautiful original story.

Total – 69/70

Second place goes for

Madness of mercy by 4ever_Amazing

Title – 3/5

The title could've been a little more creative because the book seems to be amazing as far as I've read and it'll help gain readers if you make it a little more catchy. But that's still a pretty fine title cause every author has their reason behind the title and I'm sure you do too. J

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