Camp Jupiter

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"What the hell is that!"

"Oh! That would be a possessed Percy and Jason forced to kill each other with little old me forced to watch and helpless to stop.I should be glad my charm speak at least had enough effect to make Jason look over. Just so Percy could wop him upside the head, or something like that. Luckily me and Blackjack were on the same page even if he would have killed Perce if I hadn't told him not to." Piper said cheerfully, "You two are heavy."

"Wow, that sounds wonderful....."

"No kidding, Perce. No kidding."

The gods were slightly scared at that. Or just worried for their child or in Zeus's case: Not!

"Alright. Cool. Yep why do I ask? I know Percy. I know his luck. Yep. Moving on. On the bright side, both Jason and I outrank you, Octavian, so we can both tell you to shut up." She managed to get out before everyone burst out laughing again and people got up to high five Jason and some sneaky ones to Percy so the gods didn't notice.

"Wow, another snippy one." Apollo says happily.

"Reyna?" Hermes guessed liking this game.

"Nope!" came his response from a few people.

"Percy." Hermes and Athena say at the same time both with certainty.


"And they pay her to be the wisdom goddess." Hermes whispers under his breath. Percy and Annabeth both knew what he said and one gave a "I know!" look as the other sent a glare his way.

"Ok so next. This is Annabeth. Uh, she normally doesn't judo-flip people.When was this?"Rachel was starting to get rather annoyed she missed so much.

"When we first got to New Rome. Annabeth really needs to work on holding herself back from seriously injuring her boyfriend until after we make peace with the Romans. Like they don't like me enough to say 'He's with them, they're cool.' They. Are. Romans!" Jason emphasized.

"I'm guessing since the Romans know you, you are introducing every one that went on your peace run and was interrupted by Annabeth judo-flipping the sea spawn." Athena said glaring at Percy like he was the worst thing since sauerkraut.

"Yep. Lady Athena that is exactly what happened. Besides they also kissed, and I thought Annabeth was going to stab Percy, not throw him." Jason put in politely.

Percy was receiving quite the glare and was slightly hiding behind Annabeth, but not looking the least bit scared as he stood up and faced her.

"If you don't like me being with your daughter then I don't care, because I love her more than air, enough to go to hell with her. Twice. I have saved her life more times than I can count and she even more to myself. You've told me in the future that you disprove. Did that stop me one bit? No, and it never will. So give me your best shot. What don't you like? That my father is your enemy? Because I don't care. So deal with it."

"Ok." Athena looked generally startled by how he has no problem talking back to gods.

"You may not speak to her that way, boy!"Hera explained for she was not going to play their dumb game but has no problem yelling at the demigods.

"That is why Percy hasn't died yet." Leo whispers to Piper.


"When he makes up his mind about something not even the queen of the gods can stop him."

"That is why we are on his side."


"Because he's so gosh darn scary!" she may have said that a little too loud.

"What are you guys whispering about over there?'' The Stolls looked innocently at them like they didn't just put them under the spot with everyone paying attention.

"How it'd be hell to be a monster who tries to attack Percy because he is so gosh darn scary."

"And how it looks so normal from an ally's standpoint but being the enemy would have you shaking in your boots." Leo says from experience.

"What'd you expect? The only thing scarier than his girlfriend is him." Nico shrugs while saying this like it's old news.

"And you can be 10 times as scary as both of them combined." Reyna says in a way that leaves no room for argument and the ones who would are shocked by the horror in her voice.

"That is not true." Nico says modestly.

"Really I think having someone begging for mercy at your feet after you just horrified the kid to the point of traumatizing him, and denying it, is pretty gosh darn terrifying." Reyna says, looking him in the eyes.

"He deserved it. He was going to kill both me and Coach on the spot, and drag you back in chains to face whatever Roman punishment comes from doing the right thing. Not to mention all he said was please. He was a murderer himself thank you. This is war, it wasn't the first death and wasn't the last. I did give him mercy. I gave him a physically painless death. What more could he have asked for?" Nico responded with the mad man glint in his eyes like his father.

"Fine di Angelo. You win this time, but don't count on it happening again."

"Nope I can say that the two of you are by far the scariest because Annabeth and Percy are off having too much fun avoiding the war and monsters to have anything but a smile on their faces. No one can blame you two though." Will says finalizing this off topic conversation. Who started this anyway? ;)

The gods were terrified at the moment. They just now realized that they are sitting before the most powerful, smartest, experienced, demigods of the age.

"Will, you said you had a boyfriend, right?" Travis asked not looking mean but more happy for him.

"Yes...." Will hesitantly said looking ready to be teased or something. Which Nico understood perfectly. In fact he was carefully watching the rest of his friends to see how they were reacting. Besides Hazel they all looked as if it was an everyday thing. Nico was liking that very much

"You look like you expect to be hit dude. Do you not realize that the Greeks were basically the creators of same sex relationships?" Connor asked, smiling teasingly.

"No, I'm just trying to avoid you asking who he is." he responded, looking as professional as always.

"Then who is he?"

"Leo, if someone says they don't want you to ask a question, that means you don't ask it."

"But beauty queen I really want to know." Leo whined.

"No. Sorry Will ignore him."

"Can do."

"Moving on."Hera the party pooper who just wants this to be done so she can get as far away from these demigods as possible and kill the mortal woman that her husband falls for.

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