The TOD Hosts Were Gods of Pyrrhia?

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A/N: I don't know why this is what I wrote for this but eh, oh well.

What if the hosts of TOD were the Gods of Pyrrhia?

Pyrrhia hadn't been the same since the gods. Sure, there had always been something to worship- the moons, the sea, the sky; the things that made each tribe its own. But then the gods began, and instead of belonging to just one tribe, they belonged to everyone.

No one knows how the rumors began. Some say they decended from the three moons themselves; others that they had formed from the things that people had already believed in for so long. Some said they came from the same place as prophecies and animus magic, some unknown well of power that they could never understand. Some said they came from another dimension where hell reigned on earth and all were forced to play games of torture for eternity. Whatever the reason or origin though, the gods were there, and they were believed in.

They were worshipped. Some were loved. Others were feared. But while there were plenty of disagreements about the gods and their origins, there were some things that everyone agreed upon.

There were six gods, and at least one tribe was always offended that it wasn't seven, because wouldn't that make more sense? But there were six, and they all served a different person.

Perhaps the most well known god was Joy. Despite her name, Joy was not a god of happiness or innocence. Joy was considered a goddess of death, one of war, violence, but also of leadership and mercilessness. Dragons waged wars in her name, cursed others so that they may desend to the lowest pits of hell, where Joy would unleash her wrath upon them for eternity. Joy was a feared god, and the Skywings and Rainwings fought often on which tribe she belonged to, as her name could hypothetically apply to either of their tribes. But the Skywings were fierce warriors, and they insisted that a strong fighter such as Joy had to be a Skywing. The Rainwings disagreed, as their claim on the name was stronger, and they knew the stories of Joy's other sides. The slyness, the hidden talents, and the fact that they were the only tribe that ate guavas, Joy's choice offering. Joy was the god that kept them in check, the one that parents warned their children of to keep them our of trouble. 

Then there was Nightflyer, the only god who's tribe was not disputed. Nightflyer belonged to the Nightwings, both his name and his aspects agreed to that. Nightflyer was a god of wisdom and intelligence, but also of romance. Their very own Cupid of sorts. Nightflyer, it was said, was the one who bestowed the power of mind reading and visions of the future. They thought he contained all the knowledge of the world, past, present, and future. But since that knowledge was too great for anyone to handle, he gave drops of it to his tribe, to the Nightwings in the form of these powers. He was the one that students prayed to, desperate to pass their exams. The one that librarians and scholars alike worshipped with a passion. There were monks dedicated to him and his wisdom, dragons from all tribes eager and hopeful to achieve even a fraction of Nightflyer's might. 

Of course, you couldn't have a discussion about Nightflyer without mentioning Air. The legends of the gods were varied and their reliability was sketchy at best, but the one things they all agreed upon was that Air and Nightflyer were together. Some said that when the gods decended from the moons, Air and Nightflyer had come from the same one, and they had jumped from it talon in talon. And since Nightflyer was the god of romance, and Air was the goddess of love and protection, it added up. Air was the goddess of love, yes, but it was in a loose set of terms. Air was the goddess of loving, whether you were in love with someone else, with the world itself, or with something you enjoyed doing. She was also the goddess of protecting, especially when it came to those you loved. Air wasn't known to be as violent as Joy, but there were stories of the two of them, and the assumption was that they got along, as they both respected when the other did something in order to protect those they cared for. Air was another goddess the tribes warred over. The Skywings had the most control over the argument, as it was hard to despute a dragon named Air as anything other than a Skywing, but the Mudwings often argued that because of her protective nature, Air was more suited to the Mudwing tribe. Of course, no one could be sure. Air was loved all around regardless. 

And speaking of the gods being in love, there was Kelp. Kelp was a god of reason, one that dragons would call upon and swear to during trials and spats with their spouses. He was calm, a god of peace until peace was no longer an option. There were many rumors and stories about Kelp's relationship with Joy, although no one was certain what exactly that relationship was. Since Kelp was a little disputed god of the Sea Kingdom, the Skywings rejected the idea of him having a relationship with Joy, as they wanted to claim her. There were rumors that the two were great enemies, as Joy was a goddess of violence and war, while Kelp was one of diplomacy. Those that had deeply studied both of the gods diagreed, insisting that while they could never be sure where any of the gods stood on a romantic stance, Joy and Kelp had to be close. Kelp may have been a god of peace, but he was no pacifist. Sometimes fighting was the answer; he was a voice of reason, not against war. Those that believed in Joy and Kelp together said that when you got into a fight, Kelp's wisdom would come to you first, the option to descalate and settle things calmly. And if that didn't work, then Kelp would step aside, and Joy would approach to reign fury upon all enemies. Kelp was a peacemaker, it's true. There are even rumors of Joy and Kelp dancing to put the stars in the sky, but no one has any idea if those are true. It's just yet another thing for dragons to debate over.

Then there was Seashell, another little disputed goddess, and one often forgotten. Seashell, unlike the other gods who had traits so noticeable, was subtle. She was the goddess behind the scenes, bringing order where there was none. It was said that out of all the gods, Seashell was the one who gifted the most power, next to Nightflyer of course. She was suspected to be animus magic's origin, and dragons found to have that power were used to being referred to as Seashell's chosen few. The Skywings, who feared such power, hated Seashell for this reason. But then again, they were never the best at order. The Icewings, although they had no claim to Seashell, loved her dearly. They lived their lives on circles and strict order, so it was only natural for them to worship a goddess who belived the same. In fact, Seashell is known and worshipped more in the Ice Kingdom than the Sea Kingdom, although the two tribes have had many spats over her throughout the years. Seashell was the bestower of power, and one of order. But those who did not like order tended to forget about her.

Finally there was the eldest god, Rainkeeper. Why he was the oldest, no one was sure, but everyone accepted it as fact. Rainkeeper was the god of the arts. He was a muse, and he came to the artists, the poets, the singers. They drew their inspiration from him, and out of all the gods, Rainkeeper had the most depictions of him in all of Pyrrhia. He was a god of dreams meant to be followed, of talents that didn't rely on power or strength, but rather in diligence and practice. He was the ender of writer's block and blank canvases, and if the gods had made PYrrhia what it was, then color and beauty had certainly come from him. Rainkeeper was a peaceful god, the one that never had wars waged in his name, as that wasn't what he was about. He was meant to be a muse, a gift to the artists, nothing more.

Where the gods are today, no one is sure, but their influence continues to watch over Pyrrhia. Their names are worshipped and cursed to the wind, and above all, they belong to everyone.


Joy stared at the page.

"What the hell did I just read?" She asked. Nightflyer shrugged.

"It's a work in progress." He explained.

"That doesn't explain anything!" She tossed the pages back to him. "Burn it."


"Because there's no way Seashell has more power than me."

"Well she's goddess of something!"

"Yeah, goddess of being annoying, write that."

"Ugh, you don't understand my vision."

"Then go pray to Rainkeeper for better writing skills."

"Are you trying to get me to fight you?"

"Go for it. I am the goddess of war." 

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