Pivot Encounter

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Before we knew it, we were at my college. It was still at least a half hour before 8 pm, when our idiot chief warden would close off the campus to anyone leaving. 

A few minutes before we arrived at the gate, Divyanshu called Raghav on the number of his I had given him earlier. Asking him to get out of the campus for a bit so that he could talk to him. He tried this at least three times.

 After the first time he told us that Raghav was telling him the gates to the college would be closed too soon, I responded back that the gates would still be open for another half hour, so he was making excuses. He called Raghav back, this time, Raghav took time to answer, and said that the wardens would punish him if he got out. I informed Divyanshu this wasn't exactly true, we could easily let Raghav back in on time for that if necessary, we were just 20 feet from the gates! Raghav still refused, he told us that he had to study for a test tomorrow. 

We realized that Raghav wouldn't meet us then, and Divyanshu agreed and said he would go back home, he told me I could go back into the hostels and do my own stuff, so I did. I ordered a doughnut from the canteen and ate it, and a half hour later I got a call. 

It was Divyanshu, "come to the hostel gate right now!", he called, a great sense of urgency in his voice. I made my way over to the hostel gate a few dozen meters away, and saw this big scene. 

Divyanshu and his friends were there along with Raghav and his friends, and there was the B-1 hostel warden and people I guessed were teachers, and the security guards, they all seemed to be loudly arguing. There was also a big group of 40-50 student, mostly law students, who were standing a good 10 feet away from the scene and observing. I could see what had happened. Raghav had put up some stupid false accusations against my newfound friends, I vowed to tell the truth and only the truth, not a single word of even accidental falsehood would escape my mouth in this scenes. 

"Yes, I'm here", I said. 

"See, Saswat sent these guys to beat me up!", Raghav said to the wardens face. 

"I did not!", I answered back.

"See, he's lying right to your face!", Raghav said to the warden, "he's been making these fake stories about me", "I don't know, he's such a psychopath", Raghav accused. 

The whole scene was confusing, looking back I should have simply asked Divyanshu why he and the others were still there and told them they were not supposed to have lingered around the college too long. To my defense, I didn't really know what was going on.

"Don't worry anyone, this is our cousin", stated Divyanshu. 

The statement confused me, he had never said this was part of the plan, to state some sort of family connection, I didn't really know what I was doing when I decided to tell the cold truth and told the Warden Mr. Handa that he was not my cousin.

Though it was true, that wasn't really the best idea. Mr. Handa was furious. "You three are done for!", he shouted in Divyanshu and his 2 other friends. The scolding went on. Though I don't remember exactly what Mr. Handa said, what  I did know, is that Divyanshu and friends were scared out of their minds, they thought that Mr. Handa was a policeman, and about to take them to jail or something. 

Divyanshu went right up to me, had me open my phone and delete every single text he made to me about helping me out, then immediately called his mom and fled the campus. 

It was ridiculous that anyone would believe that the soft looking Divyanshu and his two buddies would possibly be gotten to beat Raghav up. Did they really think that I would get only three people to beat up Raghav, and not lead them form the front. This was Jaipur, and getting people to beat up bad guys was free and very easy.

I knew I had to call up my friends, and called them all, Aditya Shubham, Aditya Shukla, Naman and his friends. None of them were able to come right away, but Aditya Shubham and his friend were the first on the scene. Mr. Handa had know Aditya Shubham from before, and he took him seriously when Aditya explained exactly what happened, and the payment Raghav made me take from Aditya. Paytm payments are never deleted, so I was easily able to get it on my phone.

Handa saw the thing, and he asked Raghav to explain it, I didn't hear Raghav's explanation, but so what, there was no way even Raghav could convincingly explain the whole thing, and Raghav was definitely lowered in the wardens eyes. Aditya and his friends came later, when many of the people and guards and wardens watching had left. He explained that I had told them the thing in way too much detail for it to possibly not be true, and that we had a recording of when we confronted Raghav and it was clear that he was false. Aditya Shubham herd this and reminded me that i had never told him about the recording. 

The one thing I understood was that the wardens would never take Raghav seriously again. Raghav and his friends had already left by then, and so had the bystanders, but I was sure Raghav's fate was sealed. All I had to do was wait for his dad.  

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