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his stare made me feel ... alive , i craved his attention just like tinker bell , i once had been in a relationship with a boy but i never felt with him the way i was feeling with dimitri ...but dimitri was no boy he was a dominant man and boy did i love that .

"are you gonna stare at the wall all night?" a deep voice comes from beside me , his eyes slowly ranking over my face making me shiver in delight .

" i can't sleep " i say my voice low " why " he asks " i dont know" i tell him " you need to get some sleep tomorrow is gonna be a long day " he says and i just nod .

i feel his hand in my stomach , i was craving his touch , i wanted to be skin to skin with him , his hand found the hem of my shirt and ever so slowly his hand slid inside of it leaving me brreathless , he never went higher, his dominant finger was circling my belly button while his face was near my neck and his torso was naked .

" you make me feel things ive never felt before anya " his voice barely a whisper while his hand moved higher but never near my breasts " how so" my voice sounded foreign to me, he dosent respond only flips me so im sitting on top of him .

It would be very cliche for me to say his eyes clouded with lust beacuse it was dark as fuck and i could only make the outline of his lips, but i could feel his buddy down there was a little excited " god you make me crazy " he said before grabbing the back of my head and smashing his lips with mine , we moved in sync, this time he was pulling my bottom lip with force , pain and pleasure all at once ,if i told my past self that id be on top of a mafia leader making out with him i would have laughed in her face... after a while we pulled away "crazy should be our motto " i tell him ,cliche and cringy i know, my lips were stinging and were swollen but i touched them none the less

a few minutes passed and we were just laying there in silence ... until i spoke .

"im scared " i tell him as i lean my head in his chest , his hand immediatly found my head and he started stroking it "im not gonna tell you not to be scared beacuse thats the dummest thing a person can say but im gonna tell you that me and the boys will protect you no matter what , but first thing tomorrow we gotta contact the petrov mafia , we need to do a test to see if youre Anastasia Petrov " he says as he takes my thigh and rests it on top of his hip" but for now we need all the sleep we can get cause hell knows how much we're gonna need it ".

yuh get into it ... kinda spiced things up ... is it going to fast... i dont know you tell me ... chile anyways see ya in the next update

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