CHAPTER 3 - Mine?

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"Do you mind keeping an eye on Briar? I just need to run to the bathroom" Sophie asks my Mom and I as she lifts Briar from her seat so that she can shuffle past. "Of course, go ahead" My Mom replies with a smile as Sophie walks swiftly towards the restroom. I watch as Briar notices Sophie leave and her eyes fill with panic. Her body starts to tremble as she begins to sob. "Briar what's wrong?" I ask as I hop off my stool and kneel next to her. She hops down from the bench and hides under the table as her breathing starts to quicken. She pulls her knees up to her chest and starts to rock back and forth in her place. I feel the panic rise up in my own chest but I just close my eyes and think back to what I know. I sit with my legs crossed close by but not too close as to make her feel as if I am crowding her. I take a few deep breaths to try and keep myself calm before saying, "I know you are scared and you don't feel okay but this will pass, I promise". I watch as Briar doesn't react and continues to tremble uncontrollably and her sobs get louder, getting the attention of everyone around us. "Do you need my help Billie?" My Mom asks as she shuffles closer to us both but I just shake my head in reply. I remember from my research that if she feels trapped, it will make everything worse. "Briar, is it okay if I come closer?" I ask as I watch for a response. Briar shakes her head quickly as she shuffles further away from me. "That's okay, I am not going to force you. I am going to sit here okay and if you want me to hold you which will help your shaking stop then you can come to me okay? And if not, then it is also okay" I explain as I continue to sit with my arms laid by my side. Briar continues to rock in her place but very slowly shuffles a centimetre closer. Over the span of a couple of minutes she shuffles close enough that she is sat infront of me with her feet touching my crossed knees. She looks up at me, as if asking permission and I nod my head slowly. She very slowly climbs up on to my lap, with her back against my chest and curls back up so that her legs are against her own chest. I wrap my arms around her small frame and slowly rock her from side to side. I hear a gasp from behind me and the sound of rushed footsteps before I see Sophie in my peripheral vision. She sits a few inches away so not to crowd us and squats down to the floor. "I'm so sorry... I thought she would be okay for a couple of minutes" Sophie whispers in my direction but I don't dare to move my head so I don't startle Briar. "Don't worry, Billie has it under control" My Mom whispers in reply as Sophie takes her seat again.

Sophie continues to have a conversation with my Mom as I stay on the floor with Briar. Slowly but surely she starts to become more responsive and her sobbing calms down to loud hiccups. I stand up with Briar in my arms and try to sit her back on her side of the bench but her hands have a strong grip on my hoodie and will not let go so I give up and sit back on my seat with her sat across my lap. "It looks as if she likes you" Sophie smiles as she observes me playing with Briar's hair as she continues to hold a strong grip on my hoodie. "I guess she does" I smile nervously as I brush her long wavy locks with my fingers. "Billie, that's a good thing" Sophie smiles as my Mom places a hand on my lap. "How did you know what to do?" My Mom asks with an identical grin on her face. "I did some research when I was looking at her file so that I could determine whether I could handle her on my own" I reply, my eyes not leaving Briar's. "I am glad you were here. I can't imagine how bad she could of gotten if you didn't know what to do" Sophie exclaims happily. I just smile in return as I continue to rock Briar in my arms. Sophie shuffles across the bench so that she is sat in front of me and leans closer to Briar. "Hey Briar, I have an important question to ask you. Could I take you from Billie?" Sophie asks Briar softly. Briar looks up at me, questioning me with her eyes and I give her a small nod in return. She turns to Sophie and lifts her hands up towards her. Sophie lifts her from my arms and carries her on her hip out of the Cafe door and stands outside with Briar. I watch them closely, even though I can't figure out what they are saying. My Mom places her hand on my shoulder and places a kiss in my hair. "I am so proud of you sweetheart. You did so well. You are a natural" My Mom smiles as she rubs up and down my back with her hand. "What do you think they are talking about?" I ask her, never looking away from them. "I'm not sure sweetheart" my Mom replies kindly.

It isn't long before Sophie returns to the table with Briar still on her hip. "Are you ready to go home?" Sophie asks me with a large grin on her face. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused. My face drops at the idea of going home without Briar. "Ohh honey don't frown, this is good news. She is yours, and she is ready to go to her new home" Sophie smiles as she places a kiss on Briar's forehead lovingly. All the tension and anxiety in my body rushes away as relief sets in and I feel my eyes fill with tears of joy. "She's mine?" I ask as my voice trembles. "She is all yours" Sophie smiles as passes Briar over to me. I pull Briar's small frame close to mine as I cry into her hair. Briar smiles and lays her head on my shoulder as she plays with the ends of my hair between her fingers. I look over to my Mom who also has tears in her eyes. "I told you that you could do it baby" my Mom smiles as she wipes the tears from her eyes. "I told you that you could handle it".

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