CHAPTER 7 - The Big, Bad, Scary Monster

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It has been an hour since Briar fell asleep and I am still laid on my bed, under the duvet, watching The Office on my laptop as Briar continues to sleep against my chest. I feel Briar flutter a little but I don't think anything of it. Then she stretches her arms above her head and hits my face with her hands. She jumps up suddenly and starts to cry. "What's wrong baby?" I ask, concerned as I rub my hands up and down her arms. "Mama?" Briar asks, relieved as she wraps her arms around my neck tightly. "Yes baby it's me, don't worry. What made you scared?" I ask her as I place a kiss on her head. "Voices" She whispers. "That was just my TV, baby" I giggle. I lift Briar off the bed and as I sit up to get off myself, I feel a wet patch on my stomach. "Can I change your diaper?" I ask Briar as I pull off my hoodie and throw it into the washing hamper next to the bedroom door. "Yes, Mama" Briar replies as she lays down on the floor herself. "You are so clever" I coo as I grab a diaper, wipes and a pair of joggers and a t-shirt to replace her wet dress.

Just as I am pulling Briar's t-shirt over her head, I hear a deep chuckle come from across the hall. "Mama?" Briar asks, worriedly. "It's okay baby, that's just Grandpa. Do you wanna meet Grandpa?" Briar shakes her head no. "Why not baby? You can tell me ". "Scared" Briar whispers in my ear as she wraps her arms around my neck. "There's no need to be scared baby girl, Grandpa will not hurt you and mama and Grandma will be there the whole time" I reply as I run my fingers through her tangled locks. "Promise?" Briar asks as she sticks up her pinkie finger. "I promise" I smile as I wrap my own pinkie around hers and place a gentle kiss at the joint before Briar follows suit. I get up from my place on the floor and take Briar's hand before walking us down the hall and towards the living room. I see my Mom in the kitchen, washing some dishes from lunch and my Dad sat on the couch in the living room, watching the news on TV. "Hey, Dad" I greet my Dad as Briar hides behind my legs. "Hey, sweetheart" my Dad replies. "This must be the famous Briar I have been hearing all about". Briar digs her face into the back of my legs at the mention of her name and tightens her hold on me. "Yes, it is" I reply with a smile as I peel her arms from around my legs and lift her into my arms. "You're okay baby, you're okay" I whisper into her ear as I take a seat on the other end of the couch with Briar sat on my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck and her face nuzzled into my shoulders. I continue to watch the TV with my Dad as we talk about our day and slowly but surely, Briar gains a little bit of courage and removes her head from my shoulders and loosens her grip a little. "There's your beautiful face" My Dad chuckles loudly which gives Briar a fright and she shuffles as close to the arm of the couch as possible so that she is as far from my Dad as possible. "It's okay baby" I whisper as I peck her head. My Mom finishes washing the dishes and takes a seat in between my Dad and myself. "How about you come and give me a cuddle?" My Mom asks Briar as she lifts her arms up to receive her. Briar looks up at me questionably and so I nod in reply. "Don't worry, I will keep you safe from the big, bad monster" My Mom chuckles as Briar jumps into her arms but stays on my Mom's left leg so that there is still some distance between herself and my Dad. As the TV continues to play, my Dad looks away and starts pulling funny faces towards Briar. She starts to giggle but continues to keep her distance. Then my Dad starts to make zombie groaning noises and grabs one of my Mom's arms with his fist. My Mom looks over and starts to fake scream. "Oh no... The monster has got me... Save me, Briar!" "Quick Briar, help her" I laugh as Briar looks towards me for consent. Briar takes my Mom's arm and tries to pry my Dad's grasp from it so my Dad lets go and grabs Briar's arms. "Yummy, even better... Fresh meat" My Dad groans, leaving Briar in stitches as she subconsciously moved closer and closer to him until she was almost on his lap. "Look at that!" My Dad grins as he lets go of her arms. "You did it!" Briar becomes quiet again but doesn't retreat, she just looks towards my Mom and me for reassurance. "Well done baby!" I cheer as my Mom joins in. Briar grins happily as she moves onto my Dad's lap and continues to watch the TV that has been playing this whole time.

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