Finally | Pt:14

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The gate was finally planned out and the time till was running out, nearly hours away.

With the excitement of finally doing something within this boring time, Y/N was giddy as hell. Hell, even Jin-woo had a small smile gracing his lips. Kipo was doing happy bobs with Neptune. They looked like birds who had just found a whole bag of un-attended chips.  They were more than happy jumping into the jewelry that they had previously bonded with.

Unlike months ago, there were no giant crowds to maneuver through, rather dealing with distant stares.

The rest of the participants arrived in style; Limos, decked out gear and practitioners marching,  Jin-woo and Y/N walked and wore light armors, Y/N's quite a bit heavier.

"Hae-In!" Y/N and Chae Hae-in had been in first name basis for quite some time now. Jin-woo was still using family names for most of the other S-ranks.

The six didn't wear masks but stayed around six feet apart from others not in the same guild. They were going to be fighting for their lives in this situation, they need the least amount of cloth around their eyes as possible. 

Chae Hae-in was the second closest to Y/N out of the group, staying exactly six-feet away. They had all gotten tested the day before, so being closer than six feet wasn't a problem.

As a whole group the six entered, Y/N in the middle and Jin-woo in the front. Neptune and Kipo walked in either side both the size of busses. Thumps could be heard from all around the group. Round indents in the walls reflected the sound creating more and more echos. It sounded like twenty enemies were approaching when only five were. As they got closer and closer it became easier and easier to tell which thumps were echos and which were actually enemies. It sounded like bunnies.

The first was innocently hopping in front of the group. Though it seemed harmless, it's aura said otherwise, it was nearly as big as an S-rank's. As it got closer it got bigger. Once ten feet away it was the same size as Chae Hae-in. The soft white fur from afar seemed matted and plasticky, most dead, some even looked as if it was sewn on. When the bunny finally allowed the group to get a good look at its face it was...... horrifying. Stitches ran from its forehead to its chin, another set of string lined from cheek bone to cheek bone, there were no eyes. Instead of eyes the sockets were filled with lines of string. White thread sewn on the neck. One of the ears wasn't bent, but a wolfs.

The sewn bunny stood up, showing off different patterns of stitches on its stomach, all different colors. The patches of different fur looked like it was from completely different animals. The string holding the face together snapped as it opened its mouth. The white bunny screeched bloody mercy before bolting at the speed of light directly at Y/N.
Jin-woo and Kipo arrived at the same time. It was sliced in half by his blade while the feline stayed in a very protective stance around Y/N.

Instead of organ or blood coming out of the torso pieces of string lined most of the inside of the body. The blood was already clotted. One thing was clear, they bunny wasn't alive, just a puppet to something.
The string reconnected and put the bunny back together again. Choi Jong-in set it on fire hoping to burn the strings and not allow it to regenerate again.

The entire group was on edge, no normal attack could do anything to the first creature that approached them, that's normally the weakest. A black and grey bunny made their way to the group. Both looked more menacing than the white one. Dragon scales and a tail covered most of the black bunny, fur poked through. The grey one had a pair of what looked to bird wings of some sort. Both had misshapen mouths with stitches lining the 'lips' or where they should be.

"What the hell are these?!" Lim Tae-Kyu yelled shooting mana arrows constantly at the string bunnies. None of the arrows slowed them down. Attacks came from all angles, the only keeping their cool at this point was Jin-woo. The sight of them made Kipo and Neptune feel a little queasy. The rest were blocking constant attacks and barely recovering enough for the next hit.

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