The Sparkly Fella| PT:6

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Third POV

Jin-woo continued to pour attack after attack on the thing. No wonder it could protect a whole nest, the thing could hold more blows than the Beast Monarch and the Ice Monarch combined, forget about the demon Monarch. The exoskeletons started to break cracks in the scales became more and more apparent. Clotted blood and dried blood was seen alive the once beautiful beast. Jin-woo could tell that the thing was once a sight to behold but now it was a drained old dragon up to be his next shadow soldier. Jin-woo continued to pour more blows onto the already broken scales. The beast cried out as one of the crystals on its chest was broken. Jin-woo made a mental note to break the other two. The dragon knew he was onto her weak spots and began to use her tail to protect the last two crystals. Jin-woo bent her tail and the bone crunch could be heard by Jin-Ho all the way by the entrance, he winced and grimaced at the sound. The dragon flinched at the pain and Jin-woo took this as an opening to break another one of her crystals. The dragon cried out again everyone heard the roar this time. He took the other opening and destroyed the other crystal. The dragon let out on last cry before falling into the water. Jin-woo leaped off and landed on the ledge. A massive wave of water splashed up after the Queen feel back into the pool.

"Igris do all the royal eggs grow to be that big", Jin-woo pointed to the now completely dead queen.

"Yes my liege, they can grow that big with the help of magic and shrink down just as easily for how ever long they desire", The knight bowed to his master.

"Igris can you find the egg for me, I have a dragon to resurrect", Jin-woo ordered as he leaped over to the water dragon bobbing up  and down in the water. Igris nodded and went straight to work. Jin-woo landed on top of the back of the beast he walked over to the head, the whole body had large wisps of shadow coming from random crevices of the beast. He placed his hand on the horn of the animal "Arise", The the beasts shadow was taken and the dragons shadow reformed into a medium sized dragon. The crystals on the body of the shadow looked more refined and shinier. Even though the dragon was much smaller than it had been moments before, it was still the size of a house. The creature noticed Jin-woos annoyance at her size and shrunk down to the size of a German Shepard. It lowered its head like a way of saying 'Sorry'. The rank of the creature was General and at a high level, unlike his other soldiers that could talk once they reached General rank she couldn't. Probably due to the low intelligence. While thinking of a name Igris had finally found the egg. He walked over to his liege only to find him deep in thought, he did not want to bother his master and waited till the whole naming thing was over with.
Jin-woo thought about one of the first books that he found in Y/N's room 'How to train your dragon'. He tried to remember the name of the author.
'Cressida Cowell', It finally hit him, he knew what he wanted to name the new member.
"Cress", He proclaimed as the creature smiled and Jin-woo smiled back at the small creature. He was glad to have another powerful shadow on his team.

"My liege" Igris called for Jin-woo, the shadow monarch turned around to his most loyal servant. Igris showed the egg to Jin-woo, who gently took the egg out of Igris's arms and held it in his own. Cress crawled over to the both of them to be met with the joy of seeing her egg. She knew that her baby wouldn't be infected by that putrid illness and live a healthy life in the care of her master. She did the dragon equipment of happy crying. While both of the men were mildly shocked she rubbed the egg with her head and looked into the eyes of Jin-woo as if to say 'Take good care of my baby'. With that the dragon disappeared into the shadow of Jin-woo waiting to be summoned.

"We will", Jin-woo had revived the message loud and clear. He left the boss room after some of his soldiers hauled out the massive body of the boss. Jin-woo stared at the beautiful egg, he could already tell that the little dragon was going to be a great asset.

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