There For Me

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A/N: Shoutout to @dograbies for being the first requester for a Chucky oneshot and for always showing support! This oneshot is for you and I hope you enjoy it. <3 

Summary: Liv struggles as she goes through one of her episodes, losing herself to the voices that plague her mind and the shadows that seem to follow her around. When it seems like she'll succumb to its tricks, Chucky is there to help ground her and let her know she is safe.

Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Friendship

Disclaimer: Song belongs to Utada. 


Liv's hands shook uncontrollably and she gritted her teeth as she attempted to force her muscles to loosen and relax. She sat huddled on the floor of her bedroom with all the lights off, wrapped in her throw blanket adorned with a puppy pattern. She had hoped the extra warmth would provide the comfort she needed. Her fingers clenched around the fabric as she tightened it around her, wanting to mimic the sensation of being hugged. 

From the corner of her right eye, she saw movement of a black mass, even apparent in the dark. She turned her head, following it as it floated around the room and watching it go through her wall and disappear. Her shoulders rose as she buried her head on her knees and tightly shut her eyes. Willing it all to go away and leave her alone.

Her ears picked up on slight whispers and her muscles tensed the moment it grew progressively louder and louder. Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, she shivered as she felt chills travel down her spine. Choking on a gasp, she immediately covered her ears. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched and shook her head as she began to shout.

"Leave me alone!" She pleaded. Her body rocking back and forth. Her eyes began to burn beneath her lids. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" As her shouting and movements grew more aggressive, her hair that was wrapped in a messy bun, came undone and fell together to form a shield hiding her features. Liv's breathing grew rapid and she felt her heartbeat clearly as if she ran a marathon. 

The sound of footsteps running distracted her momentarily and she opened her eyes slowly. A pair of tiny hands grasped her forearms gently and pried it away from her ears. 


She looked up from the hardwood floor and met two blue irises glowing softly in the darkness. "What's wrong with my best buddi?" he asked his face morphing into a worried expression.

"Chucky I-I'm seeing them..and hearing them again-" Her voice replied with a shake and was stopped short with a sob.

"Where are they?" He questioned immediately eyes during red. "Nothing scares my best buddi!" 

Liv rose a shaky finger and pointed at another black mass behind Chucky. She bit her lip in apprehension. 

Chucky swung around attacking the spot she pointed at with his small fists. "Go away!" He demanded. 

Liv focused on his presence and ignored the things around her. She blinked repeatedly and noticed the black mass was no where to be seen.

"Are there anymore?" he asked ready for the next one. Liv pointed to one just above her bed on her right. She watched him nod and jump and climb onto her bed. Liv started to catch onto what Chucky was doing and felt touched at the lengths he went to make her happy again. He grabbed a small throw pillow and jumped and swung into the air. Liv felt her muscles become less tense and her shaking lessened. She inhaled and exhaled deeply as she lifted her head to look around her room. It was clear. 

"My best buddi has nothing to fear. Not with me here!" he smiled sweetly as his eyes switched back to blue and jumped back down to her. He walked over and tucked her hair behind her ears. "They won't dare to harm my best buddi." He cemented with a stern nod. Chucky grasped onto her hands, pulling gently.

Liv let herself uncoil and her legs fall down to her side, then lifted herself up. Chucky guided her back to her bed and climbed back up as he still held onto one of her hands. Liv joined him and laid herself down onto her side softly as Chucky lifted her comforter and joined her under the covers. Chucky lifted his arms and Liv's lips formed a small smile. Her arms wrapped around his torso and she pulled him close to her, burying her face into his soft ginger hair. His small arms hugged around her neck as he rested his head on her shoulder. 

"You're safe now Liv. I'm right here with you." He comforted and snuggled closer. His voice grew softer as he began to sing the Buddi Song to her. 

You are my Buddi until the end
More than a Buddi, you're my best friend
I love you more than you'll ever know
I will never let you go

Liv started to hear the whispers less as Chucky's voice and touch helped keep her grounded.

I am your Buddi until the end
More than a Buddi, I'm your best friend
When you feel lonely and you start to cry
I am always by your side

The voices died off into a whisper and she felt her heart rate stabilize as she grew more at ease. A happy sigh escaped her.

We are best Buddis until the end
More than just Buddis, we are best friends
Don't ever leave me, please don't say goodbye
I'll be yours 'til the day that I die

Once Chucky finished his song, he pulled her comforter up higher and wrapped it more securely around her. He placed his cheek against her and nuzzled her face. Liv felt tears cascade down her cheeks as the feeling of relief and peace washed over her.

"Thank you Chucky." She whispered as she looked down at him with glassy eyes. 

Chucky looked up at her with warm bright eyes and began to wipe away her tears. "I'll always be there for you Liv. 'Till the very end." He smiled and followed Liv as she shifted and laid on her back instead. Chucky laid on her chest and snuggled against her. Liv loved the soft glow Chucky's eyes provided as it lit up the area in a soft blue glow. 

"As you sleep, I'll be your night light." He giggled cutely and looked around the room.

 Liv smiled and hugged him tighter. Chucky began to hum the song Sanctuary by Utada. She felt her eyes grow heavy from the mental exhaustion. As Chucky hummed the soft tune, she felt joy in knowing that her best friend would always be there. With a clear mind, Liv eventually entered a sweet slumber.

Chucky was content by Liv's side and silently watched over her all night and even until the light of a new day.


A/N: This was such a cute and sweet idea and I had so much fun writing this. 2019 Chucky is so cute and is always great to write for! <3  I hope my writing made you smile at least once. :)

Once again thank you for your request and I hope you liked the story.

Thanks for reading!

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