1988 vs. 2019 Pt. 1

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A/N: This oneshot was requested by That_Random_Kid12! Thank you for making a request and also being the first to include good ole 1988 Chucky. :) 

Thank you for being patient. I hope you enjoy the story!

Summary: Chucky runs into 2019 Chucky and Andy and sees another opportunity for possession. 2019 and 1988 face off. Who will be victorious?

Genres: Horror

Disclaimer: Lots of cursing (of course...Charles Lee Ray), violence and gore mentioned. 


"Fuckin' oolld haaaag." Chucky drawled and snickered. Gripping his trusty knife that now dripped with fresh blood. Gripping the fabric from the elderly woman's skirt, he took care of wiping off the crimson staining the knife. Who the hell gifts their grandmother a doll?  He began to chuckle. Chucky took a few seconds to study her corpse. There the old lady sat at her wheel chair slouching forward, a slash against her throat, red and open. What was meant to be a lovely birthday tradition was tarnished and death was delivered straight to her door. 

Looking around him he quickly found the exit and pushed a chair beside the door, hopped on and made his way out into the apartment building's stairwell. 

Andy Barklay. Who knew I'd find another? This time he'll be fucking mine!  He internally seethed. All was quiet and not a single soul could be seen or heard. Providing the perfect chance to climb those stairs and finally escape this hell. He was getting real tired of this shitty plastic doll body. 

He hurriedly climbed the stairs and once he made it to the right floor, he took cover beside someone's door. Peeking around he spotted movement and saw a gray cat, watching him wearingly from a distance. Yellow eyes wide and pupils dilated, tail up high and alert. 

"Boo!" he whispered while rushing forward a bit. The cat easily got spooked, hissing and taking off with a cry as Chucky moved closer. "Damn rodent." 

With the cat gone, Chucky continued to walk the corridor and took a left. Skipping a few doors down, he stopped right at the fourth door to his left. Tucking his knife into his overalls, he jumped up and gripped the knob with his small hands. "Damn. It won't budge." Grunting, he sat beside the door, adjusting himself and making sure his knife wasn't visible to anyone who would pass by. Looks like I have to sit pretty for a while. Shit. 


"Andy wake up! You have school today." Chucky cooed as he tried to pry the blanket away from Andy's death grip.

"Chucky, I'll just skip today. Mom's at some guy's house. I'm free to do what I want." he croaked as he tried to go back to sleep. 

Chucky successfully pulled down the blanket. "I'll tell your mom you skipped school." 

Andy sat up and huffed with squinted eyes. "You wouldn't." They stared each other down for a few minutes. Sighing, Andy reluctantly caved in. "Some buddi you are." he muttered. Not really caring about his appearance he threw on his everyday red hoodie and left on the jeans he slept with. Rushing into the bathroom, he quickly brushed his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair, just enough to get rid of that fresh out of bed look he normally rocked around the weekends off school. Turning towards Chucky who stood by his side, he looked down at him annoyed. "There! You happy now?" He rhetorically questioned. "I'm going now."

"Yes." Chucky answered with a happy smile.

Rolling his eyes, Andy began to make his way out the door.

"I'll miss you Andy." Chucky stated and looked up with puppy eyes as he waved goodbye. 

Andy's annoyance quickly disappeared. Eyes softening, he nodded. "I'll miss you too buddy. I'll see you later." Andy waved back. Something blocked his way and he tripped forward, catching himself against the wall in front. "Woah!" 

Spinning around, he saw a doll that resembled a likeness to Chucky. Confused, he inspected the hallway to see if anyone was messing with him. Who left this here? A Good Guy..never heard of it. Crouching down, he lifted the doll slowly, keeping it a good distance away. Andy's eyes trailed over the entire figure and when he came to its cold blue eyes, he felt himself stop breathing. The dolls eyes looked so alive and realistic that it was unnerving. He didn't know if it was his eyes tricking him or something, but the eyes seemed to have widened since he picked it up. So caught up in his observations, he dropped the doll when he heard hissing and yowling. The doll fell in a heap.

"Jesus Belle!" Andy breathed. Belle continued to hiss. One of her paws swiping at the doll with claws.  "What is it girl?" Andy consoled the cat and took her in his arms shushing it down. The cat managed to quiet down, but still continued to growl. 

The door then opened, revealing Chucky standing on a chair with a worried expression. "Is my best buddi alright?" 

At this, Belle jumped out of Andy's arms and took off running. "Something's got Belle spooked. I think it's this doll she's afraid of." He chuckled. "I don't blame her though, he's pretty creepy looking."

Chucky tilted his head confused. He tried to scan and link with the other doll, but he received no feedback. "He's different." He said.

"What do you mean?" 

"I can't connect with him. He's not like me." 

Andy scrunched his eyebrows and once again picked up the doll. Turning it around, he lifted it's straps and untucked its shirt. Opening the back compartment, giant yellow Good Guy batteries stood out. "Someone left it here Chucky. Why?"

Chucky could offer no response to that. His bright blue eyes met with icy ones and he sensed something was wrong. The expression of the other doll's face seemed to somehow shift into something malicious. Andy opened the door wider and was prepared to bring him inside.

"Andy, don't bring him in." Chucky warned.

"Well, I can't just leave it here." Andy remarked. "I want to see what this guy's all about. I've never seen a doll like it before. Must be vintage or something." 

"Andy." Chucky pressed. "Please, he is no good. You don't know where he came from. He could be dangerous." He begged.

Andy laughed in response. "You just said you couldn't connect to it. That means it's just a regular doll. It can't move or speak. There's no smell coming from it and it looks relatively clean. What's the worst that can happen?" Andy shrugged. "Wait, don't tell me you're jealous!" He accused. 

"Jealous?" Chucky asked. 

"Yeah, you're afraid he'll replace you?" He raised a brow. "Come on Chucky, we're buddies. He's got nothing on you." Andy comforted. 

Andy traveled to his bedroom. 

Chucky stood there his eyes following the doll bouncing slightly in Andy's hand as he walked. Those icy eyes seemed to mock him, challenge him. 

Blue orbs quickly burned red.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed part 1 of your one shot request. I can't wait to continue this story and get to the good stuff! 

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