Chapter 1

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Diary  Entry,1

     Secrets the definition is something to keep hidden, We all have a lot of those there can be a lot or a little good or bad. Good Like your planing to propose or tell your mom you got into college, bad like your smoking without your parents knowing or got a bad grade and changed it.

  But what about the one's we don't talk about i like to call them forbidden Secrets, the ones you take to the grave the ones you don't speck of. If  other knows you  and them never speck of every again.

     But what if them Secrets fell into the wrong hands what will that person choose to keep them and build trust or tell everyone and break you and hurt you while they are at it.

     Thats why I'm never going to tell mine I will bring everything to the grave and I will hold on even if it kills me, but that is going to be hard because everyone have a breaking point even  Countrie.

See ya America~




-Pov America-

  Done with my first Diary page I guess, Confederate said I should write in a book to clear my mind. I was currently sitting in a local Starbucks I know so basic. I like the smell of coffee, I had a small coffee with 3 creams and 4 sugars.
(I like ice cap)
      As I look around there was little people in here but there minding there own business and two people in the back was chatting a little bit. I looked to where the counter is where the Brewster(I think I spelled that wrong) are, they was just talking about things. It was are thirty minute break where I worked at,where all countries worked at, and this was peaceful.

     I check the time it was 1:44 pm, I guess I should head back, after I drink the rest of my coffee you know i need six or seven a day. As i took a long nice sip of the brown  liquid into I heard,

🎶,Sweet home alabama, where the sky are blue🎶

I click the green button and put it up to my ear.
"Hey Union sorry about that New Mexico was trying to shoot Alabama because he drank the last bit of sweet tea."

I Chuckled at that the south and there sweet tea.
"Well that was something, why you calling" I say as I closed my book, it was a dark brown  with gold on the side.

"Well Utah want to know if we can have ice cream sundays when you get back, they want to prepare before you get back"

I thought for a bit it would be nice to have some ice cream.

"Sur-" I was cut off

"PENNSYLVANIA  STOP SHOOTING THEM WITH DEM ARROW THEY ARE YOUR SIBLINGS NOT TARGETS!!!" Once again getting the phone from ear I toke the empty cup and throw it away and headed out.

"YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" She yelled back


There was  silence for a few seconds then I heard

"Im sorry dad I didn't m..mean to they got so angry they wouldn't leave me alone when I was  practicing im sorry sorry sorry I yelled at u..un..uncle I d..didn't too" she was about to cry I felt so hurt when her voice started to Crack

"Hey hey hey, its ok your not in trouble just take a deep breath in and out" I listened while she did that to see what her breathing was at,when she get in trouble he breathing can be bad "ok Where are you at"

"Ou..outside" she answered

"Ok go get some water and head to your room and watch your favorite movie I'll be back soon ok sweetie"

"Ok bye d-dad love you"

"Love you too" there was a few sounds in Confederate voice came into the phone.

"She getting a glass of water and Usa is taking her up so don't worry, the younger ones are going up with them"

"Ok and yes we can have Ice cream"

"Ok I will tell them see ya when you get home"

"See ya later alligator tell them I love them and do the kiss at the end"


    I laughed to myself about that, And how dare he hung up on me. Who do he think he is a goddess I think the think not. I stop in front of two clear doors, guess I didn't notice  I was still walking I wonder how I didn't get hit by a car.
   I took a deep breath  Adjust my sunglasses and placed my hand on the sliver handles and walked. The warm air touching my face not to hot not to cold, perfect for all the countries.

   As I walked down the somewhat empty halls I came across a piece of paper on the ground, I did what all people do kep- picked it up.  As I headed for the trash can I saw some writing on I did what all normal people do and di-read it.

You know all good things must come to an
End right!

     That was weird I felt a little tangle come up my back. Must be because someone opened the front door, O threw the paper away kobe! And headed for my office, those words on that paper didn't mean anything?












Yes I'm already starting to like this one

Welp this book is going to be a slow update because of school Wednesday.
And who every in school, how ya holding up?

Welp have a good morning/night/afternoon/Highnoon/lownoon


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