chapter 4

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- POV America- .

   As I walked in to my house Everyone welcomed me as I walked in. I saw California sitting on the couch with bandage on her arms. I looked over to Usa, she gave me another fire look. I walked over there and hugged her she hug me tight.

"Can we have ice cream sundays know" Utah said tugging  my arm "Sure you all can, DC come take cali in there" I said handing her over "ok mamma oh Pennsylvania is in her room" she said walking away
"It was it was Georgia, North Carolina" Confederate said coming behind spooking the fuck out of me.
    I nodded and headed up the stairs hearing all the yelling come from down there.


"THE HEXK IM NOT THAT SMALL!!" Rhode Island yelled back

"TELL IT TO YA MAMA SIPPI!!" Kansas randomly yelled

"WE HAVE THE SAME DAD DUMBASS!!" Mississippi replied back

"HE CUSING!!" Oklahoma yelled

"SNICTH!!" Nebraska said

   I stop at Pennsylvania door and knocked, there was no answer. I twisted the door nob and walked in she was bundled up in her blanket.
"Hey Penny how are you feeling" I asked sitting on the bottom of the bed " im so-sorry" I pulled her into a hug "it not your fault ok, I will put them in bathroom duty" she nodded you know time for it.

    I tickled her and she bust out laughing
"You sha'll not be sad"  she was wheezing into i stop "know go get some ice cream  mavis" she hop off the bed and open the door "can I tell them" I nodded raned out saying "GEORGIA, NORTH CAROLINA YOUR GOING TO HAVE BATHROOM DUTY"

   I Chuckled as I got up and walked out closeing the door, hearing the click behind me. In the noisey hallway I cleared my head and think about that weird note, and the wind went down my back.
   I got Interrupted by my thoughts by someone saying my name. I looked up and Confederate was there crossing his arm, Looking at me. "What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing Dixie" I said trying to walk away,but he had other plans he grab my arm twisted me around.
"Tell. Me. UNION" He yelled at me, I flinch a little. "OK LET GO" I yelled back he let go of my arm and crossed his arm
"there was some note today the read thing don't last forever and then Finland got attacked today and nobody knows who" I said "there are you happy"  He just Hmm in responsed
  I just walked away he's acting out know he just get me angry sometimes. I walked diwn the step putting on a smile. And looked into the dinning they was throwing ice cream at each other. While Usa trying to calm them down.
      Ohio,Michigan, and New Hampshire was shoving ice cream in Idaho mouth. Utah was flinging ice cream at Maryland, Connecticut was trying to put the ice cream on California arms but DC and Wisconsin trying to stop him.
"Papa can tell him to stop" North Dakota cried "Im not doing anything to you" He said poking his ice cream "STOP BEFORE BEAT YOU TO TURN INTO DUST' "BITCH TRY ME"

"YOU TWO STOP IT RIGHT KNOW" Usa said she had enough of there fighting "can we have a day with know arguing" all the states (evan Dc and nasa)  looked at each other and lower there heads
"Ohh I'm sorry for yelling but come on let have a nice few hours of not yelling" she said "sure why not, hey new Mexico past me the whip"  Texas said pointing to it "sure" Passing it to him.
   They was all talking about there day just being nice to each other. I went over and pat her back she turn to me and smiled. The door flew open and we all twisted are head around. It was Nato he just looked at us and went somewhere. I followed him into his office.
"What wrong son?" He just looked at me then looked down "can I have a hug" I walked over there and hugged him then I heard quite sobbing I hugged him taughter.
"Can you tell me what happened" he nodded
"Finland is.....just not doing good he is alive but he just can't breathe right and he said somethings..." he started to mumble
   I felt his arm getting weak so he must be tried, I pick him up and carried him to his room. I place him in the middle of his bed and throw some cover over him, before I left the room he said something.

"Be safe papa"

- POV Confederate-

   I went into my room and pulled out an old picture and looked at it. It me in some old jeans and some bandage, and the other person is in a black jacket and some short we both had a smile on.
   I thought union told her I died but I see she is coming back for revenge and hurting my family by doing so. Don't worry old friend you aren't going to stay for long.

~ Le time skip to the next day nobody Pov Where the CHHQ~

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~ Le time skip to the next day nobody Pov
Where the CHHQ~

  We was all waiting for this meeting to start and see what happened to Finland. Russia was trying to calm a sad Estonia down, Slovakia was trying to holding back czech republic (hope I got that right)from a touchie Serbia.
   The four original (imma call them that)walked in and EU took the stand.
"So about yesterday First thing first Finland is stable only the Nordic an-" he got cut off by a loud  Static noise, everyone cover there ear the ones with sensitive ear pulled thing over there ear.
    Then the noise stop then an voice went through the speaker and the TV.
"Well hello you pest" it started "You can hear me but I can't hear you so SHUT UP E FUCKING U" Gremany went on his phone to see if can track the caller "im hear to tell an old friend some news" Ame new what he was talking about "but before I say what I need to say, yes I did that to your pal he should have left me only"
    Everyone was getting angrier by the second from this guy talking. Germany was still trying to see.
  "I know he's alive you told me he was dead so I'm coming for you" Germany face lit up and he showed Poland where this was coming from. "Im coming for you and your kids"   Gremany was about to get up and go to the spot but the next thing this guy said made everyone froze
"you can't run and hid, Nothing can save you America~ bubye"
    That was the last thing this guy said and America froze he could feel all eyes on him, he got up out of his chair and ran out the door while his sunglasses fell to the floor.
Nato ran right after them out the door.
   "I want you all to stay safe if anyone sees America export him to me, if you want to see Finland you can we don't know who this is and don't know how dangerous" EU said he said walking away.
    Know Gremany really want to know what going to happen next.

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(Word count 1236)


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Fun fact: Confederate have some sort of a female body shape.

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