chapter 2

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  -POV America-

     As I was spinning in my chair being bored I was just thinking about that paper.
I know things don't last forever but I want it to so imma gonna try. I got Interrupted by my thoughts by knocking, I quickly stop spinning and pulled up to my desk.
"Come in" I say pulling up an email that I have to read.
"Mister America ru..Russia told me to gi-give you this p..paper to sign" I looked up HOLY SHIT he looks like Russia but an eye patch. I grab the paper from his hands "Thank you"I say looking what I got to sign "y..yup" What was his name again slovick nonononon I think it was Slovakia.

  I sign the paper it was for some trade that I didn't care about. I looked back he was looking around the room, he looked confused when he saw how empty my walls looked. "Here you go Slovakia" Reaching my hand out to give to to him.
  He looked shocked and took (TOM NOOK WANTS HIS MONEY) the paper from my hands "th..thank you, why ar..are your w..w..walls empty?" he asked looking at me ceriously "can I not have my walls empty?" i said giving him some sass "nonono can I wa-" I Interrupted him "I'm just pulling your leg you better go before Russia think that I did something to ya" he nodded and did a small wave then left,  listening to his footsteps fading away, leaving me with my thoughts.

  I do want to put stuff on them but I want to put my kids drawing up there. You know i might put some pictures up with my friends,that might lighten up the room better.

🎶They'er playing my song, you know imma be ok, Yeah its party in the USA🎶

I picked up the phone and placed it on my ear "Hello"

- POV Antarctica- (NANI???)

   I was walking down the hallway with Greenland, he was going to print some papers so I decided to join him.
"So baby why you printing papers" I said Smirking at him his face went red that I believed he made a new red imma gonna call it Redland
   "why did you say that, and I have to print papers because Iceland doing a project and didn't have time so he asked me"  He said looking away "ok baby" there goes Redland
"don't call me that....only when we are dating" He said mumbling I couldn't hear the last part because I was laughing so hard.

   Someone shove me and I landed on my bottom "ow" I looked back that person was half way down hall, didn't even say sorry with there rude self. Greenland helped me up and asking questions to see if I'm hurt i kept on telling him I was fine.
   "When I find out who did that to yo-" He was getting angrier by the second "its fine babe let's go print them paper" He looked at me then grab my hand and started walking, with a little blush on his face. I looked back and OF course he was long gone. But the weird part was that stranger felt like an country but didn't at the same time.
   I felt my hand get squeeze and I looked up to a worried Greenland "are you really ok" I shocked my head and leaned on his arm. My doctor's said not to walk long but I want to do it for Greenland.

*POV Unknown*

"Ok I'm almost off of work tell them to be good ok,bye love you"

   I will find out what you are hiding America and I wonder what everyone going to thing of you. As I walked away from the door where the next country  to fall.

"Let's see how this is going to play out*

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Wooo another chapter out
Hel- school is tomorrow

Have an awesome day

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