chapter 3

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< POV Finland>

Ok first off why did Denmark send me to go get his viking helmet, what he going to do ram his head in the fucking door. I hope so, so he can lose more brain cells. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going into somebody push past me.
"Move" da fuck this boy say to me I grab this person arm and turn them to me. He had a black on everywhere so I couldn't see his face just his teeth.

"It rude to push past people" I growled at them "I have to find out" what is he talking about and why he say his O werid "Find out what" I asked this guy "This has nothing to do with you" he answered tryimg to pull his arm away
"you know what who are you and what are you trying to find the fuck out" I said getting angry. They just stared at me taking something from their jacket "not sorry for doing this" I was going to asked him not sorry for what but jabbed something in my arm feeling some Liquidid going inside.

I felt woozy I let go of there arm and took a few step back. Is it me or was there just one of the mystery person. I felt like I was drunk it felt good but bad at the same time.
I didn't know what was happening into I felt the pain in my head I'm on the ground I must've fell, I looked up a little and there he was looking down at me with a wicked smile. I slowly closed my eyes because that felt nice but before I could go into my endless void of darkness I heard him mumbling some words.
"Ame........find ou.....confed......alive"

What would he need with ame and who is this confed person. Before I could think some more my Brian shut down my eyes are closed I couldn't move at all I could see know is a little light at the end of the darkness.
I wonder what that is as I took a few step and reach for it.

- POV America -

Finally at the end of the hour, home time I get to go home and play with meh kids.


Oh shoot I got out of my office and walked into the crowded hallway. Everyone was scared, confused or just annoyed getting into this hallway. We flooded into the meeting area and took are seats.
"What do you think this is about?" I looked over and Canada face was all conner and in his voice "I don't know" I simply said putting my hand on his shoulder. Some countries don't know this code is because we don't use it very often, so some of them forgotten.

The code stand for one of us is hurt inside the building, I looked around the room everyone was freaking out. I looked around again the Nordic not here something must of happened yo one of them.
EU and EN came walking into the room everyone got quite.
"So you all must be wondering why gather all of you and why the Nordic not here" he took a deep breath
"Finland was.....attack today" the room just went cold " he was found in the hallway barely breathing, he is alright he in the emergency room.

The door got slammed open "EU EU, GET TO THE FUCKING EMERGENCY ROOM KNOW ITS FINLAND!" Nato said screaming into the room "ALL OF YOU GO HOME AND LOCK THE DOOR KNOOWW!" ASEN said screaming after him the four ran out the room and it was watching WW2 all over again.
Everyone was running out the door canada face had scared writing right over it. He hug my arm i pat his head and waited for people to go.
"I need to go see Finland"
" we have to go home ve can see him tomorrow he doesn't want to see you get hurrt."
I looked over and Russia and Estonia was talking but, Estonia had tear in his eye and Russia was trying to comfort him plu getting him out the door.
"Hey Canada" he jump when I said his name "let get you home ok, wait wheres new Zealand and Australia i want to take them home to" I said looking around the room "ov..over there" he said pointing to a corner of the room, i looked over and they was hugging each other scared I walked over there.
"Im going to take you three you home ok" I said opening my arms they ran right into them. And nodded there heads i felt sad seeing them like this maybe I should tell them.

~time skip om la lazy~

I drop them off at 'mom' and 'dad' house and know im heading home. I felt like I'm being watched as i make my way down the dirt roadI hope Finland is ok.

- POV Norway-

I was sitting right next to Finland bed he had a lot of tubs connected to him. Denmark was walking back and forth, Sweden was talking to EU to see what happened. And iceland was trying to hold back tears.
There was purple vines going up and down his arm. They are testing to see what that stuff is, I felt a coldness touch my hand I looked down Finland was touching it he was saying word but he was to quit.

I leaned my head down to hear what he is saying.
"America.........danger..........two Mysterious guy" he whispered
I was confused why America be in danger
"What Mysterious guy and why is ame be in danger"I asked "he Not safe, mystery guy" he whispered then fell back to sleep. I put myself back up right and looked around the room.
"What did he say?"Asked EU " he said something about America in danger and not safe and something about a two mystery guy" I said looking back at Finland then looked at EU.
"Everyone going to have protection Finland the most just in case America" All of a sudden Finland breathing became quick again.
We was rush out of the room Denmark didn't want to leave, Sweden was crying while Iceland hold him. I looked back and he was coughing up black stuff the purple vans was going up his arm. And was shaking violently.
The last thing that I heard was a bloody scream.


"Pappa/mamma welcome home"

then someone came out with an X in his long hair

"Welcome home union" he said

Finally your secrets is known mine

And finally my long lost friend

Confederate time to play some games~

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Today's item

Fun fact: Finland would go back and forth with pounce

I wonder if the items are connected to the story!!!

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