chapter 7

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    I woke up and looked around me it was just pitch black. I tried moving my hands but I was tied up. I tried to wiggle out but nothing worked so I just sat there waiting for the worst to happen.

-few of la minutes later-

A light have entered the room it look like a door cracked open and a dark figure walked in.

  "How dose it feel to be locked up know~" I didn't say anything back I just looked down "Got nothing to smart to say back hhmmmm you know I believed you when you said he was gone" 

    I just stayed selince not wanting to look up and face someone long ago. Then a lamp light got turned on and face my durations.

"I REALLY hate lier you know and there is so happened to be one just in front of me" She said taking out something and walking towards me "since you don't want to talk I wonder what will happen if I.   You know hurt friends and family" I looked up and glared at the bitch

"Don't fucking touch them" I said to her, her smile grew into a sick one

     "Im so glad you said that because I'm not going to hurt them" She pause taking my arm "You are" And jamming the needle into my arm. My mind was going place I didn't even think before I felt lost of my body, I can't move I just felt numb but I felt something move.

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Ya a chapter!!!!!!
A very small chapter!!!!

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