Chapter 14

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We roamed the dark streets lit by street lights for an hour, talking about our problems and other shit.

We got bored and started to get hungry so we decided to go to the 7-11 near my house. We bought an energy drink, obviously because we care a lot about our health, and a large bag on chips.

We walked along the silent sidewalk with only the sounds of cars passing by and crickets.

I opened our energy drink and took a sip, "Here," I handed it to him to get a sip as we walked.

George took the can and drank some.

George and I walked to the park. Honestly the park is like the only place we ever go. It's conveniently near our houses and we don't have to spend any money.

George and I plopped down on the grass on our backs. We stared into the black sky with stars.

"The moon is so much brighter than usual." I pointed out.

George opened the back of chips as he laid on his back and ate some. He turned to me, "You think we're gonna get bugs on us."

I turned to him and looked him in the eyes. "Yes."

What felt like an hour gazing at stars and talking to each other turned into 3 hours and what felt like 1 am turned to 4 am.

George quickly checked his phone, "Wow it's almost 5 already." he chuckled.

"Already?!" I sat up.

"I don't wanna go home." George did a cute little frown."

I giggled, "Me neither."

George got up and lended me a hand to help me up, "We're gonna have a fun time staying awake tomorrow." George sarcastically smiled.

"Oh grreeeaatt, school's tomorrow." I facepalmed myself.

George walked me back to my house, this felt like the teenage and less lonely version of me sipping black coffee on my porch by myself in the morning like a grandma. We got back at my house at about 5:10 am, we saw the sun come out a bit.

It was the next day and I was having a jolly good time trying to stay awake.

"Y/n, your eyes bags are pretty bad, like worse then usual." Victoria pointed out as she laughed with Milo.

"Thanks guys." I dropped my head on the desk.

"You didn't even have coffee or anything?" Victoria watched me in my agony.

"I woke up late," I groaned while banging my head on the desk.

Aubrey walked into class and stared at me in concern, "What happened to her."

"She stayed until 5 am last night." Milo looked at Aubrey then back at me while adjusting his glasses laughing. "What a loser."

Aubrey took off her backpack, "This is your lucky fucking day, my mom forgot my coffee sweetener and milk so this tastes like straight up ear wax." Aubrey slammed her bottle filled with black coffee on the desk.

Milo and Victoria looked at Aubrey with confusion and a hint of disgust.

"Don't ask me how I know that, kindergarten me was.....questionable." Aubrey giggled.

"You are a god." I took her bottle and started chugging down her black coffee.

"How does that bitch drink that." Victoria stared at me.

"I'm kind of disgusted." Milo giggled.

It was the end of the school day and my last period just got dismissed. I had to get a couple more items from my locker so I walked back to my locker from my health class. All day me and Claire were both avoiding each other as much as possible.

"Hey, y/n."

I turned next to me from my locker. "George!" I smiled then looked next to him, "........and claaaiiire!" I sarcastically cheered.

I looked at them back and forth.

George looked confused for a bit then brushed it off and smiled, "Y/n we're ju-"

"Bye." I closed my locker, turned back, and started walking away.

"Uh....Y/N?" George puzzlingly looked at Claire and then followed me, with claire behind him. "Y/n, uhh...y/n."

I sighed in irritation and turned back at him, "What." I looked at him in annoyance.

George itched his head in confusion, wondering what he did wrong.

"And you," I looked at Claire and scoffed, "What do you want."

Claire glared at me and rolled her eyes.

"My nose is still fucking red." I laughed as I pointed to my nose.

George started putting the pieces together, realizing that Claire was the girl I was talking about at the bus stop.

I put my hand on my forehead and started laughing and shaking my head like a crazy person. "The audacity." I mumbled in anger.

"Hm?" Claire annoyingly smiled.

God I want to rip open her face. "THE AUDACITY BITCH!" I shouted as I shoved her to the ground in full force as people around us stood there watched.

I turned and started walking away, still infuriated by her mere existence as she sat on the floor.

George ran after me, "Y/N!"

I ignored him and kept on walking.

"Y/N!" He stopped running after me.

I sighed and turned around, "What now."

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