"My besstieee" (CADE) Chapter 8

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My time with Jade
I have a lot of fun with my best friend Jade she and I have been friends for a while before Tori came to Hollywood Arts we both were on the same Ping Pong team and we both had a great time. Sam stole Jade from me then she flirted with Robbie right in front of my face. Jade is dating my brother Beck who is also my best friend. Beck woke me up and he said "Good Morning princess" (Creds to LizzyLoveAdiar) Beck asked me if I wanted to go to the boardwalk with him and Robbie I said yes and I even used my catchphrase 'what's that supposed to mean' I also told Beck that I was hungry so he took me to this yogurt place and I gave him a big hug when he took me to the boardwalk. He got me ice cream at the boardwalk when Jade, Tori and Robbie were there.

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