"My baby sister" (A Bat Story Part 3) Chapter 13

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Beck's POV (School days)
I woke up Cat gently and she was giggling and laughing, She made a profile video for TheSlap.com I was in the video with her suddenly Cat and I went in the car, I drove and we blasted '5 Fingaz to the Face' by Dr. Rhapsody and Cat was just laughing in the front seat. I was telling her about mine and Jade's breakup that we're not together anymore. Cat and I arrived at Hollywood Arts, making it fun for us we we're the first ones there and nobody was outside. Cat and I walk into school, Robbie, Andre, Jade and Tori are right there we end up getting detention by Vice Principal Dickers. Trina wasn't in detention with us which was kinda sad but we had fun. We watched Andre do his run-dance and we had tacos thx to Trina. Our teacher Sikowitz' had asked us if we wanted to have a sleepover at his house and of course Jade had to say yes. I picked for Cat until she wanted to be a unicorn and I told her she can't. I stared at Andre and smiled at Cat, After Cat broke character she went with Sikowitz' nephew and they both went to Tori's house after Robbie said that he was watching a funny movie. I took Andre, Jade, Robbie and Cat to Karaoke Dokie I clapped for Cat mostly when she and my girlfriend Jade performed. I then went back to Karaoke Dokie with Robbie and Andre to do Tinkle-Aid. I told Cat the Canadian word for kindergarten since she asked I hugged her after the performance and she danced around me. She also took my hand and danced with it which made me and her feel very special. Cat, Andre and I went and took Tori to The Gorilla Club I also met Cat's boyfriend Daniel which is Tori's ex-boyfriend then Trina forced me to put my feet in this tank. I told Cat that Rex is a puppet and Jade told her that it's not good for a 16 year old boy to be carrying around a stupid puppet. Cat said it's not a puppet to Robbie.

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